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HOLD FOR: MERIDUW 111LE CORP. <br />MAIL DEED TO; <br />O0x+20 1 5 <br />Jo)ut E. Broden. Gsq. <br />City Attontey, City of South Bead <br />1400 County -City Building <br />227 West Jefferson <br />South Bernd, IN 46601 <br />14f kIL TAX BILLS TO: <br />TAX KEY NO: <br />18-3043-165407 <br />RECORDED ON <br />09-01-2000 3i43t20 <br />TERRI J. RETHLAHE <br />Sr. RECORDEROUN7T <br />REC. FEE t 24.1tt43 <br />PAGES t b <br />AUDITOR'S RECORD <br />Travfer No. 6, <br />7a7r/n8 Unlr 51- <br />g . ,.aa <br />D <br />WARRANTY DEED i <br />Tests INL)ENTuRE WrrNr-ssmit, that (a) Jem-de Cohen, (b) Abraham Marcus, as eo-personal representative <br />of the estate of Albert Schulman, deceased, but in no other capacity, by vhluc of the power given to him as <br />personal represent4ve under Indiana law (this estate is pending as Estate No. 71JO1-9911-T S00520 in St. Joscph <br />County, Indiana), (c) Arthur Schulman, and (d) Abraham Marcus, as co -personal representative of the estate of i <br />Edith Schulman, deceased, but in no other capacity, by virtue of the power given to him as personal representative <br />under rndiwa law (this estate is pendutg as Estatc No. 71J01-0004-ES00209 in St. Joseph County, Indiana), formerly <br />a partnership doing business under the firm name and style of6e ncral Itcalty Company, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS <br />TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDtANA, far ten dollars ($10.00) and other wtuable comu•lderallon, the recelpt <br />and suf%lclex4y of which are hereby acknowk4ed the following described red estate in St Joseph County, <br />1ndk r . <br />Ilia real estate which is commonly known as 730 tlnitc:d Drive <br />(fomerly known as Prairie Avenue, South Bend, Indiana. which <br />property is more particularly described on Fshlhlt A hereto. <br />Subject to all easements, zoning ordinances, rest ctiorns grid covenants of rocard and to all Jcg tl highways and to all <br />taxes and assessatenm <br />Responsibility for the performance ofthe obligations of the co -personal representatives hereunder is limited to and <br />assured only by their respective Decedent's estates and the co -personal representa9ves shall have no peisunal or <br />individual liability created by the exccuiion and delivery of this Deed. <br />(SIGNATURES FOLLOW ON THE NEXT PAGE] <br />DULY ENTERED FOR TAXA•110N <br />y JOSEPH F. NAGY <br />AUDITOR <br />ST.:0gVH CO Ih'n,"14 <br />.� 1at <br />