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NOTICE TO BIDDERS <br />SALE OF CITY -OWNED PROPERTY <br />Notice is hereby given that the City of South Bend, Indiana, through its Board of Public Works, <br />is offering for sale the following parcel of real estate located in South Bend, Indiana: <br />619 Indiana Avenue <br />Tax Key Number 18-7030-1173 <br />Lot 35 Indiana Avenue Addition <br />This parcel is being sold under Indiana Code 36-1-11-5, where authority is granted to the Board <br />of Public Works to sell adjacent parcels of land to homeowners with properties in good standing, <br />who may wish to acquire that property, all in the best interests of the City. <br />The Board of Public Works has determined that the highest and best use of the adjacent property <br />is its sale to an abutting land owner - the parcel is 35' wide by 152.7long, a configuration that is <br />not suitable for the construction of a new single family structure, but offers an opportunity to <br />create additional yard space for an adjacent parcel that has very little; and that the cost to the <br />public of maintaining the tract equals or exceeds the estimated fain- market value of the tract - the <br />tract's assessed value is $30.00 for property tax purposes, generally equaling $90.00 in estimated <br />value. Tracts with an assessed value less than S2,000.00 based on the most recent assessment of <br />the tract are not required to be appraised. The cost of mowing this tract is estimated at $82.00 <br />per mow, at a minimum of 5 times per year, equaling $410.00 per year. <br />The minimum offering price is $290.74. Bidders will also be responsible for a recording fee of <br />S 10.00 and a Transfer Fee of $2.00 upon a successful negotiation and sale of the tract. <br />This parcel may not be sold to a person who could have redeemed the tract at a tax sale and who <br />did not redeem the tract before a deed for the tract was issued to the County. An offer to <br />purchase the parcel that is submitted by a trust must identify each beneficiary of the trust and <br />settior empowered to evoke or modify the trust. <br />Bids to purchase said parcel must be received in the office of the Board of Public Works, 1308 <br />County -City Building, South Bend, Indiana, on or before Monday May 14, 2001, at 9:30 a.m. <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />Angela K. Jacob, Clerk <br />Publish Two (2) Times: <br />April 27, 2001 <br />May 4, 2001 <br />