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1316 COUNTY -CITY BUILDING <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 46601-1830 <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND STEPHEN J. LUECKE, MAYOR <br />BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />March 12, 2001 <br />Members of the Common Council <br />Council Chambers <br />County -City Building, 4th Floor <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />RE: Property Vacation <br />Dear Members of the Council: <br />PHONE219/235-9251 <br />FAx 219/235-9171 <br />TDD 219/235-5567 <br />fn accordance with Municipal Code Section 18-53.8, an unfavorable recommendation is being <br />submitted to the Common Council concerning a property vacation on the following: <br />That portion of the existing public rights of way known as Western Avenue and Columbia Street being <br />a part of the recorded Plat of River Bend Addition to the City of South Bend also being a part of the <br />wvest half of Section 12, Township 37 North. Range 2 East and described as follows: On Western <br />Avenue, from a point approximately 650 feet southwesterly of Jefferson Boulevard; thence <br />northeasterly to Jefferson Boulevard: thence also on Columbia Street from a point approximately 350 <br />feet southeasterly of Western Avenue, thence northwesterly to western Avenue. <br />Mr. Gilot advised that the Board is in receipt of favorable recommendations concerning this Vacation Petition <br />from the Area Plan Commission, Police Department, Fire Department, Sanitation, Department of Economic <br />Development and the Department of Public Works. Area Plan noted that the staff would not normally <br />recommend the vacation of rights of way in a fashion that results in the dead ending of streets. However, die <br />traffic from both Columbia and Western will flow into the proposed Crowe Chizek campus area, which <br />provides adequate space to turn around if necessary. The vacation of these rights of way makes sense as parr <br />of the development of this area. It should also be noted that the closing of these rights of way wilI have an <br />effect on travel routes of both pedestrian and vehicles to and through downtown South Bend. For this reason, <br />it is recommended that prior to the vacation, studies be undertaken to help properly redirect both fonds of <br />downtown traffic. <br />Therefore, the Board submits to you a favorable recommendation concerning this vacation. <br />Sincerelv, <br />gelaa acob, Cler <br />Attachments <br />