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04-09-90 Council Meeting Minutes
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Common Council Meeting Minutes
04-09-90 Council Meeting Minutes
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flu <br />REGULAR MEETING APRIL 9, 1990 <br />SECTION IV. The Common Council hereby accepts the report and recommendation of the <br />Human Resources and Economic Development Committee that the area herein described <br />be designated an Economic Revitalization Area and hereby adopts a resolution <br />designating this area as an Economic Revitalization Area for purposes of real <br />property tax abatement. <br />SECTION V. The designation as an Economic Revitalization Area shall be limited to <br />two (2) calendar years from the date of the adoption of this Resolution by the <br />Common Council. <br />SECTION VI. The Common Council hereby determines that the property owner is <br />qualified for and is granted property tax deduction for a period of ten (10) years. <br />SECTION VII. The Common Council directs the City Clerk to cause notice of the <br />adoption of this Declaratory Resolution for Real Property Tax Abatement to be <br />published, said publication providing notice of the public hearing before the <br />Common Council on the proposed confirming of said declaration. <br />SECTION VIII. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />s/ Ann Puzzello <br />Member of the Common Council <br />A public hearing was held on the resolution at this time. Council Member Luecke <br />stated that the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee met on this bill <br />and recommends it to the Council favorable. Larry Koepfle, Economic Development <br />Specialist Department of Economic Development noted that at the time the petition <br />was filed it was a joint partnership with the Department of Economic Development. <br />The Department of Economic Development closed the partnership with the Niles <br />Washington Associates and are now the sole owner. John Phair, 100 E. Wayne St. <br />made the presentation on the resolution. He stated that the proposed improvements <br />shall consist of a three story commercial office building of approximately 36,000 <br />square feet and surrounding surface parking lots. The improvements shall employ <br />all of the land referenced herein. This project will retain a large area <br />employer. The project will create 15 new jobs with an annual payroll of <br />$622,125.00. The estimated dollar value of the project is $3,000,000.00. Council <br />Member Coleman made a motion to adopt this resolution, seconded by Council Member <br />Slavinskas. The resolution was adopted by a roll call vote of nine ayes. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 1776 -90 A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF <br />SOUTH BEND DESIGNATING CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, COMMONLY KNOWN AS 431 E. <br />COLFAX AVENUE AN ECONOMIC REVITALIZATION AREA FOR <br />PURPOSES OF A 6 YEAR REAL PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT FOR: <br />NILES / COLFAX ASSOCIATES. <br />WHEREAS, a petition for real property tax abatement has been filed with the City <br />Clerk for consideration by the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />requesting that the area commonly known as 431 E. Colfax Avenue, South Bend, <br />Indiana, and which is more particularly described as follows: <br />A parcel of land being a part of the Lots 38 thru 42 inclusive along with vacated <br />alleys, or parts thereof in the Original Plat to the Town of Lowell, now City of <br />South Bend, Portage Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana being more particularly <br />described as follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner of said Lot 42, thence North 890- 54' -0" West <br />along the South line of said Lot 42 also being the North right -of -way of Colfax <br />Street, a distance of 139.77 feet; thence North 4o- 51' -15" West, a distance of <br />70.11 feet; thence North 50- 27' -02" West, a distance of 66.59 feet, thence North <br />3- 49' -42" West, a distance of 66.69 feet; thence North 5- 09' -10" West, a distance <br />of 14.89 feet; thence North 6o- 33' -25" West, a distance of 68.34 feet to the <br />North line of a 16 foot alley; thence North 89o- 57' -07" East along the North line <br />of said alley, a distance of 178.84 feet to the West right -of -way line of Niles <br />Avenue; thence South Oo- 12' -20" West along the West right -of -way line of said <br />Niles Avenue, a distance of 347.40 feet to the place of beginning containing 1.245 <br />acres more or less. <br />Subject to any easements, covenants or restrictions of record. <br />Be designated as a Economic Revitalization area under the provisions of Indiana <br />Code 6 -1.1- 12.1 -1 et seq. and South Bend Municipal Code section 2 -76 et seq., and; <br />WHEREAS, the Department of Economic Development has concluded an investigation and <br />prepared a report with information sufficient for the Common Council to determine <br />that the area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area under Indiana Code <br />6 -1.1- 12.1 -1, et seg. and South Bend Municipal Code section 2 -76 et seg. and has <br />further prepared maps and plats showing the boundaries and such other information <br />regarding the area in question as required by law; and <br />WHEREAS, the Human Resources and Economic Development Committee of the Common <br />Council has reviewed said report and recommended to the Common Council that the <br />area qualifies as an Economic Revitalization Area. <br />
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