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0� -::� �, & -7 <br />Hold Recorded copy (r.:Board Works <br />CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND <br />WAIVER OF RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE <br />1Z 1 KDBE,0a <br />RECORDED ON <br />03-01-2001 11:21:15 <br />TERRI J. RETHLAKE <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />RECORDER <br />In consideration for permission to tap into the public sanitary sewer system and/or water syRNM ofJi1REQity 9f %Wth <br />Bend, Indiana, to provide sanitary sewer service and/or water service to the following descritRdIOS$erty, (heMinafter <br />referred to as the "Real Estate"), situated in St. Joseph County, Indiana: <br />Key #17-1068-2604 and 17-1068-2605 <br />Lots 5 & 6 of Murphy's Subdivision <br />West side of Mayflower Road North of Murphy Road <br />St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />Richard G. Watkins <br />55803 Murphy Road <br />South Bend, IN 46619 <br />WATER ONLY <br />Mailing address: Same <br />Richard G. Watkins, owner of the Real Estate, (hereinafter "Owner"), for themselves and their successors in title and <br />assigns, waives and releases any and all right which they may now or hereafter have to remonstrate against or otherwise <br />object to, interfere with, or oppose any pending or future annexation of the Real Estate by the City of South Bend. <br />In further consideration and to induce the City of South Bend to allow Owner to tap into the public sanitary sewer <br />and/or water of the City of South Bend, Owner, for themselves and their successors and assigns, agrees hereby to vest <br />in the City of South Bend the permanent right, at the City's discretion, to annex the Real Estate at any future time by <br />duly authorized ordinance. <br />Owner further agrees that any deeds, contracts, or other instruments of conveyance made by Owner, their successors <br />or assigns shall contain the waiver and release provisions contained herein, which provisions shall run with the land. <br />The delivery of any instrument of conveyance from the Owner to any successor, grantee, vendee or contract purchaser <br />is subject to the terms of this document and the acceptance of such instrument shall constitirt�a accceptance of the <br />foreg ng provisions y said grantee, vendee r contract purchaser and their succes &r & ep blic ..o ,s <br />JUthl 0 �3 2001 <br />Richard G. Watkins <br />Before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Richard G. atkins and he <br />acknowledged the execution of this Consent to Annexation and Waiver of Right to Remonstrate as his voluntary act and <br />deed. <br />STATE OF INDIANA } <br />) SS: <br />COUNTY OF ST. JOSEPH ) <br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this CDa of qf-b rGIOLv— 2001 <br />(Written Signature) <br />HELESHA TH011IAS, Notary Publir ' <br />C o ri�fFodr h County, If,; <br />�Viy CGmrnission Expires 8-28-08 <br />A resident of St. Joseph County, Indiana. <br />Commission Expires <br />1�- a7- OS <br />This instrument was prepared by Michelle Engel, Assistant City Attorney, 1400 County -City Building, Sontll'Bend, <br />Indiana 46601. <br />