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Memorial <br />fuly 11, 2000 HospitASouth Bed. O� /�%dts:%.c • �:�r ..� r <br />-ivir. Carl Littrell <br />Director of Engineering <br />1316 County -City Bldg. <br />227 W. Jefferson Blvd./�"�' <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />r <br />fsVA !! <br />IZe: Signaae in Public Right of wav for Memorial Hospital Of South Bend <br />Dear Carl, <br />Memorial Hospital hereby requests approval to install signs within the public Right-of-wav at the below described <br />locations. This new signage is needed because by Memorial's new office building ( 100 Navarre Place) and the <br />expansion of our Emergencv/Trauma center and the Child Birthing unit <br />As requested in our meeting of June 26, 2000, Memorial has located these signs with wood lathe and identified the <br />size of each at the specific location. We have also called underground utilities for their locates. <br />I have included the following* items for your use in reviewing the sign locations: <br />1) Overall Campus site plan <br />2) Location plan for each specific sign <br />3) Detail of each specific sign <br />Permission to place signage at the followin,t locations is requested: <br />Sign T1- Near intersection of Marion and tilichiean streets <br />New illuminated sign measunng 60"square x 15'0" high <br />Zigyn=`2- orthwest corner of �+avarre:NMichigan <br />Replace existing illuminated sign with new illuminated sign that measures 6'0" square x i5'0"high <br />Sign Y3-- - uthwest corner of Bartlett/VlichiLan <br />Replace existing illuminated sign with new illuminated sip that measures 6'0" square by 15'0" nigh <br />Sign * " North side of Bartlett between Main and lVlichiean. mid bloc's <br />Replace existing sign with new post and panel sign that measures 5' 71/4" long x 6'0" hick <br />Sign T5- Southwest coM-er of '-Main/Bartlett <br />New post and panel sign that measures 5' 7" Iong x 7"" high <br />SiL,n #6- South side of 133rtle:t betwee:l Main and I_al:wctte. midblock <br />Replace existing sign with new post and panel sign that measures 5' 71/4' long x 74." hisn <br />6135 Norfh 1,Gchizan -tre--! <br />4�uth E�ncl, in�iana �nl-cuc� <br />