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CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />LEGAL DEPARTMENT <br />INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM <br />TO: ANGIE JACOB <br />CLERK, BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />FROM: ALADEAN M. DEROSE <br />CHIEF ASSISTANT CITY ATTORNE <br />RE: CORRECTIVE DEED TO G&M PROPERTIES <br />DATE: DULY 28, 2000 <br />We received notice from the County Auditor's Real Estate Office that the legal <br />description was incorrect on the deed we prepared to G&M Properties (copy of notice attached). <br />A corrective deed has been executed by Mayor Luecke and Clerk Duda which is attached. <br />Thanks for the voice mail message with the phone numbers and addresses of G&M <br />Properties. Don't know what problem the Auditor's Office has with G&M's address. I <br />confirmed by phone that the business address is exactly what is on the deed. <br />Thanks for taking care of sending out this corrected deed. <br />