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'Mold R!.corded copy for. Board of Public !Work:s:" <br />CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND <br />WAIVER OF RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE <br />In consideration for permission to tap into the public sanitary sewer system and/or water system of the city of South <br />Bend, Indiana, to provide sanitary sewer service and/or water service to the following described property, (hereinafter <br />referred to as the "Real Estate"), situated in St. Joseph County, Indiana: <br />Stephen J. Giegerich, Pastor �1Pi I'i0'. ? <br />Baptist Mid Missions Boa <br />of Pu&� ,- <br />19525 Pendle <br />South Bend, IN 46637 <br />JUL 3�pp�q rA� <br />Legal Description: E� o z- l v a 7- <g 1. 0l /�► <br />d <br />19525 Pendle.i+�— <br />19525 PENDLE, AS RECORDED UNDER INSTRUMENT NUMBER 8707270 IN THE OFFICE OF THE ST. <br />JOSEPH COUNTY RECORDER, INDIANA, AND A PART OF THE NORTH EAST QUARTER OF SECTION <br />NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE (25) IN TOWNSHIP NUMBER THIRTY-EIGHT (38) NORTH, RANGE NUMBER <br />TWO (2) EAST, CLAY TOWNSHIP, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: <br />BEGINNING AT A POINT 40 FEET NORTH AND 1248.5 FEET WEST OF THE SOUTH EAST CORNER OF <br />SAID NORTH EAST QUARTER OF SECTION NUMBER TWENTY-FIVE (25); THENCE WEST 250 WEST; <br />THENCE NORTH 436.2 FEET; THENCE EAST 250 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 435.4 FEET TO THE PLACE OF <br />BEGINNING, CONTAINING 2.50 ACRES, MORE OF LESS, EXCEPTING THEREFROM A PARCEL OF LAND <br />HERETOFORE CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF INDIANA FOR THE INDIANA EAST -WEST TOLL ROAD, <br />DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A POINT 1248.5 FEET WESTAND 476.2 FEETNORTH OF THE <br />SOUTH EST CORNER OF THE NORTH EAST CORNER OF SAID SECTION NO.25; THENCE SOUTH 65 FEET, <br />MORE OR LESS TO A POINT WHICH IS 150 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY, MEASURED AT RIG HTANGLES FRO <br />THE CENTERLINE OF THE INDIANA EAST -WEST TOLL ROAD, A CENTERLINE SURVEY MAP OF WHICH <br />IS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, INDIANA; THENCE <br />NORTHWESTERLY PARALLEL TO AND 150 FEET DISTANT FROM SAID CENTERLINE A DISTANCE OF <br />135 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO A POINT WHICH IS 476.2 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID <br />NORTHEAST QUARTER SECTION NO. 25; THENCE EASTERLY 110 FEET, MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT <br />OF BEGINNING <br />19525 PENDLE <br />Stephen J. Giegerich, Pastor of Baptitst M id Missions, owner of the Real Estate, (hereinafter "Owner"), for themselves <br />and their successors in title and assigns, waives and releases any and all right which they may now or hereafter have to <br />remonstrate against or otherwise object to, interfere with, or oppose any pending or future annexation of the Real Estate <br />by the City of South Bend. <br />In further consideration and to induce the City of South Bend to allow Owner to tap into the public sanitary sewer <br />and/or water of the City of South Bend, Owner, for themselves and their successors and assigns, agrees hereby to vest <br />in the City of South Bend the permanent right, at the City's discretion, to annex the Real Estate at any future time by <br />duly authorized ordinance. <br />Owner further agrees that any deeds, contracts, or other instruments of conveyance made by Owner, their successors <br />or assigns shall contain the waiver and release provisions contained herein, which provisions shall run with the land. <br />The delivery of any instrument of conveyance from the Owner to any successor, grantee, vendee or contract purchaser <br />is subject to the terms of this document and the acceptance of such instrument shall constitute an acceptance of the <br />foregoing provisions by said grantee, vendee, or contract purchaser and their successors in title. <br />l <br />J.s. <br />Stephen J. Giegerich, Pastor Baptist Mid Missions <br />