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00 JUL -5 A1111, 1 1 <br />GRANT OF EASEMENT <br />PARKING <br />tI,�r- -'] INDENTURE made thisaj��' day of C/!l/7 2000, by and <br />~: between; ivil City of South Bend, by and through its Department of Public Works (Grantor) and <br />James H. Ringler and Jane Ringler (Grantees), in favor of James H. Ringler and Jane Ringler, <br />their successors and assigns. <br />WHEREAS, Grantor represents and warrants that it is the fee simple titleholder to certain <br />real estate located in St. Joseph County (hereinafter the "servient tenement"), State of Indiana, <br />described more particularly as follows: <br />That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 13, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East, City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana which is known as Lots 4, 5, the East half of Lot 6 and the <br />proposed vacated Columbia Street between said Lots 4 and 5 all <br />being a part of the recorded plat of "Kirby's Addition", as recorded <br />in the office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana and <br />being more particularly described as: <br />Beginning at a point on the North Line of Lot 6 which is N. 89"- <br />44'-10" W., 24.77 ft.. (East, 24.75 ft., Record) from the Northeast <br />Corner of said Lot 6; thence along the North Line of said Lots, <br />S. 890-44'-10" E., 143.84 ft. (East, 143.75 ft., Record) to the North- <br />east Corner of said Lot 4; thence along the East Line of said Lot 4, <br />S. 010-02'-58" W., 132.94 ft. (South, 132.00 ft., Record) to the <br />Southeast corner of said Lot 4; thence along the South Line of said <br />Lots, N. 89°-39'-58" W., 143.82 ft. (West 143.75 ft., Record) to a <br />point on the South Line of said Lot 6 which is N. 89°-39'-58" W., <br />24.76 ft. (West, 24.75 ft., Record) from the Southeast Corner of <br />said Lot; thence N. Ol°-02'-30" E., 132.76 ft. (North, 132.00 ft., <br />Record) to the point of begirming. Containing 0.4386 acres. <br />Subject to all legal highways, easements and restrictions; and <br />WHEREAS, Grantees desire and Grantor is willing to grant an easement to Grantees for <br />the purpose of parking on a portion of the above -described real estate. <br />WITNESSETH: <br />That for One Dollar ($1,00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of <br />which Grantor hereby acknowledges, Grantor hereby grants, conveys, and warrants to Grantees a <br />permanent easement of the nature and at the location hereinafter set forth as described for <br />parking vehicles on the following -described real estate, in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph <br />County, State of Indiana, and described more fully as follows: <br />The South 83.00 feet of the North 99.00 feet of the East 16.00 feet <br />of Lot Numbered Four (4) as shown on the recorded Plat of <br />