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0030348 <br />CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED <br />THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That Superior Properties, Inc., an Indiana <br />corporation ("Grantor"), CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to City of South Bend, an Indiana <br />municipal corporation ("Grantee"), for the suin of One Thousand Nine Hundred Dollarst,�. <br />r,+ <br />(S1,900.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby aclaiowledged, + Y a <br />certain real estate located in St. Joseph County, in the State of Indiana, more particularly <br />described in the attached Exhibit A which is incorporated herein by reference. <br />The undersigned person executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represents and certifies <br />that he is a duly elected officer of Grantor and has been fully empowered, by proper resolution <br />of the Board of Directors of Grantor, to execute and deliver this deed; the Grantor has full <br />corporate capacity to convert the real estate described herein; and that all necessary corporate <br />action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. <br />Grantor assumes and agrees to pay the 1999 payable 2000 real estate taxes on the real <br />estate described in the attached Exhibit A. / <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Deed this ` day of' <br />_ 2000 <br />Superior Properties, Inc. <br />Attest: <br />rik'1'Iti . <br />Board of Public: <br />�, JUN 19,2Q� <br />J v � <br />John Becker, President <br />DULY ENTERED FOR TAXA-1101N <br />,JOSEPH F. NAGY <br />AUDITOR <br />ST. JOSEPH CO. INDIANA <br />