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#2627- Deed; VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION Edward Rose
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Historical Deeds (Warranty/Quit-Claim/Dedications)
#2627- Deed; VOLUNTARY ANNEXATION Edward Rose
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3/4/2025 2:26:36 PM
Creation date
3/4/2025 2:25:40 PM
Board of Public Works
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may extend water mains from such connections to serve the <br />development complex. Such main extensions shall be at the <br />Developer's cost and shall be constructed according to published <br />City standards. Should the City deem it advisable that any of such <br />mains should be of a size in excess of that necessary to serve the <br />developmment complex, the cost of such oversizing shall be paid for <br />by the City. The City shall, if requested by the Developer, <br />furnish engineering and design consultation to the Developer <br />without cost. <br />C. The City has existing storm water retention basins located in the <br />immediate vicinity of Inwood and Ironwood Road. The Developer may <br />construct a drainage system of drains and ponds as it deems <br />necessary at its cost to provide storm water drainage for <br />its property into said City owned retention basin and the City <br />shall accept such drainage without charge to the Developer. <br />D. The City agrees that the Developer may connect without cost, fee or <br />special assessment to existing sewer mains of the City located <br />along Inwood Road and Topsfield Road and may extend sewer mains <br />from such connections to serve the development complex. Such sewer <br />extensions shall be at the Developer's cost and shall be <br />constructed according to published City standards. Should the City <br />deem it advisable that any of such sewers should be of a size in <br />excess of that necessary to serve the development complex, the cost <br />of such oversizing shall be paid for by the City. The City shall, <br />if requested by the Developer, furnish engineering and design <br />consultation to the Developer without cost. <br />D. It is understood and agreed by the parties hereto that there will <br />be no charge to the Owner or Developer for connection of individual <br />units or buildings to sanitary sewers, water mains and/or storm <br />water outfalls. <br />F. The City shall provide police protection to the annexed real estate <br />as soon as any development is constructed and access roads into the <br />real estate have been constructed and opened. The City shall <br />provide fire protection to the annexed real estate as soon as any <br />development is constructed, access roads have been constructed and <br />opened and fire hydrants installed and rendered operative. <br />2 of 5 <br />
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