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Sheet 3 of 3 <br />Parcel 7A <br />DESCRIPTION <br />Temporary right of way for the purpose of lawn and ditch grading, which <br />said temporary right of way will revert to the Owners upon comple ion <br />of the above designated project. <br />The Northerly 20 feet of the Southerly 50 feet of the following <br />described real estate: <br />Part of the Northwest Quarter (J) of the Southeast Quarter ") of <br />Section 5, Township 37 North, Range 2, East, described as follows <br />Commencing at a point 660.1 feet East of the Northwest corner of he <br />Southeast Quarter (1) of said Section 5, said beginning point being on <br />the East Line of McCaffery's Subdivision, recorded in Plat Book 12, <br />page 176, in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Ind ana; <br />thence South along the East line of said recorded plat a distance�of <br />484.4 feet to the Northerly line of the right of way of the Chica o, <br />South Bend & Northern Indiana Railway Company; thence Southeaster;y <br />along the Northerly line of said right of way to the East line oflIthe <br />Northwest Quarter(i) of the Southeast Quarter (1) of said Section,'5, <br />which is also the West line of Ardmore Heights Addition, recordedA n <br />Plat Book 9, page 95, in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana; thence North along the West line of said recorded plat <br />606 feet to the North line of the Southeast Quarter (J); thence West <br />along the North line of said Southeast Quarter (1) to the place of <br />beginning. <br />Said Northerly 20 feet of said Southerly 50 feet contains 0.30ro acres, <br />more or less. <br />��ta•E. �AR,� COLE ASSOCIATES INC. <br />a• • "'" ��•O a —rill <br />'6 <br />099413 Errar.STATE OF R n <br />i P •�`" Registered Land Surveyor <br />�`rsia gDILoSJ� State of Indiana No. 099 <br />