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REGULAR MEETING APRIL 23.,_2013 133 <br />APPROVAL OF REVOCABLE PERMIT FOR ENCROACHMENT — 216/218 SOUTH <br />MICHIGAN STREET <br />Mr. Gilot stated a Revocable Permit has been received from The South Bend Brew Werks, <br />216/218 South Michigan Street, for the installation of two mounted mini -split HVAC <br />compressor units at 10' minimum above alley grade and maximum 24" projection from south <br />elevation of the State Theater Building. The encroachment shall remain in the right of way until <br />such time the Board of Public Works of the City of South Bend shall determine that such <br />encroachment is in any way impairing or interfering with the highway or with the free and same <br />flow of traffic. The Building Department stated there should be a protective barrier around the <br />equipment to prevent vandalism and /or theft. Mr. Gilot expressed concern that the owners should <br />install the unit in such a way that nobody can jump up and hang from it, potentially causing <br />injury to themselves or others due to the inability of the unit to hold the weight. Upon a motion <br />made by Ms. Roos, seconded by Mr. Inks and carried, the Revocable Permit was approved. <br />APPROVE CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND WAIVER OF RIGHTS TO <br />REMONSTRATE -- 53383 JUNIPER ROAD — WATER <br />Mr. Gilot stated that the Board is in receipt of a Consent to Annexation and Waiver of Right to <br />Remonstrate as submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Christopher and Megan Glaub, 53383 Juniper Road, <br />South Bend, Indiana 46637. The Consent indicates that in consideration for permission to tap <br />into public water system of the City, to provide water service to the above referenced property at <br />53383 Juniper Road (Key # 002 - 1144 - 6640), the Glaubs waive and release any and all right to <br />remonstrate against or oppose any pending or future annexation of the property by the City of <br />South Bend. Therefore, Ms. Roos made a motion that the Consent be approved. Mr. Inks <br />seconded the motion, which carried. <br />FILING OF CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilot, seconded by Ms. Roos and carried, the Certificate of <br />Insurance for the following business was accepted for filing: <br />Hartford Glass Company of Mishawaka <br />APPROVE CLAIMS <br />Mr. Inks stated that a request to pay the following claims in the amounts indicated has been <br />received by the Board; each claim is fully supported by an invoice; the person receiving the <br />goods or services has approved the claims; and the claims have been filed with the City Fiscal <br />Officer and certified for accuracy. <br />Name Amount of Claim Date <br />City of South Bend $2,268,739.85 04/23/2013 <br />St. Jose h County Consortium $1,506.54 04/01/2013 <br />Therefore, Mr. Inks made a motion that after review of the expenditures, the claims be approved <br />as submitted. Ms. Roos seconded the motion, which carried. <br />PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR <br />Mr. Murray Miller, Local No. 645, asked what the purpose of the Curb and Sidewalk Resolution <br />was. Ms. Greene stated the Board has established a policy on how they will administer the <br />program, setting the rates and establishing policy. She noted the purpose is also to clarify the <br />program for the public. <br />Mr. Miller questioned what the Agreement with DLZ Indiana, for St. Joseph High School traffic <br />control was about. Mr. Gilot stated there were traffic issues around the new high school and he <br />was not getting good answers in- house. He brought in a Traffic Engineer from DLZ to look at <br />the problem. Mr. Gilot stated he needed a recommendation on the potential vacation of the street <br />to change traffic patterns. Mr. Miller asked if they are vacating the street, with many residential <br />properties located on the street in question. Mr, Gilot clarified that this is a long -term projection <br />if the high school obtains the property in the vicinity eventually. He added they are not looking at <br />doing this now, with private property owners currently located there, only if the high school <br />eventually acquires the property. Mr. Miller questioned why St. Joseph High School didn't pay <br />for the study. Mr. Gilot explained they did their own study; he wanted an independent study of <br />their plan. Mr. Miller questioned would that set precedent. Mr. Gilot explained that if any school <br />or business comes in with a change of traffic plan, the City would want an independent study <br />done of their plan. He added this could be any traffic generator; business, commercial, etc. Mr. <br />