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C. To the Fire Department for fire pre- <br />vention checks. <br />d. To the Director of Public Works for <br />ingress and egress checks. <br />(e) LICENSE FEE: <br />If the applicant meets the requirements of this Code, <br />the Controller shall issue a license upon payment of <br />an annual fee of One Hundred Fifty Dollars ($150.00). <br />(f) ZONING RESTRICTIONS: <br />(1) No license shall be issued to any proposed Out- <br />door Motion Picture Theater for a location <br />within one thousand (1,000) feet of any of the <br />following zoning use districts as defined by the <br />zoning chapter of this Code: <br />(A) "A" Residence District <br />(B) "A -1" Residence District <br />(C) "A -2" Planned Residential Development <br />District <br />(D) "A -3" High Priority Residential Office and' <br />Professional District <br />(E) "B" Residence District <br />(F) "B -1" Residence District <br />(g) REGULATIONS: <br />All Outdoor Motion Picture Theaters shall be governed <br />by the following regulations: <br />(1) The screen of an outdoor Motion Picture Theater <br />shall be of such height and angle so that the <br />picture on the screen(s) is not visible from any <br />public highway, right -of -way, street or alley; or <br />the perimeter of an Outdoor Motion Picture <br />Theater shall be screened with a continuous and <br />uniform visual screen consisting of a densely <br />planted compact hedge or evergreens, or wall <br />or opaque fence of such a height so that the <br />picture on the screen(s) is not visible from <br />any public highway, right -of -way, street or alley. <br />(2) Signs shall be maintained indicating the direction <br />of travel of vehicles on the premises. Entrance <br />and egress shall be provided at separate entrances <br />and exists, and at such distances from one another <br />to minimize traffic congestion. Such entrance and <br />egress locations must be approved by the Director <br />of the Department of Public Works; and <br />(3) The volume of the motion picture sound shall not <br />exceed 64 DBA as measured fifteen (15) feet <br />from the perimeter of said Outdoor Motion <br />Picture Theater as set forth in the Noise <br />Control Article of this Code; and <br />(4) All applicable health, fire, and building <br />standards of this Code. <br />-3- <br />