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� r <br />9340638 <br />CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND <br />WAIVER OF RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE <br />In consideration for permission to tap into the public sanitary sewer system of the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, to provide sanitary sewer service to the following described property, (hereinafter referred to as <br />the "Real Estate"), situated in St. Joseph County, Indiana: <br />A parcel of land in the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 38 North, Range 3 East, being <br />in Clay Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana being more particularly described as follows: <br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Northwest Quarter, thence North 89052'54" West <br />(bearing assumed) along the North line, also being the south line of Farmington Square, Unit 11, <br />Part f to the Northwest corner of Irongate Estates, Section Six (Instrument Number 9230733) a <br />distance of 329.20 feet to the point of beginning; thence South 00'01'18" East along the West line <br />_ of said Section Six, 360.21 feet; thence South 79*12'53" East, 144.77 feet; thence South 59040'44" <br />West, 93.04 feet; thence South 30016'17" West, 142.82 feet; thence along a curve to the right <br />having a central angle of 01 037'30", a radius of 308.18 feet, subtended by a chord bearing South <br />58054'59" East, 8.74 feet to the North corner of Irongate Estates, Section Five (Instrument Number <br />9208937); thence along the North line of said Section Five, South 31°53'48" East, 30.00 feet; <br />thence South 40'28'41" West, 146.89 feet; thence North 81'29'26" West, 193.83 feet; thence South <br />89058'42" West to the East line of Carriage Hill Subdivision, Section 13 (Book 25, Page C-9), <br />190.00 feet; thence North 00001'18" West along said East line to the Northeast corner of Carriage <br />Hills Subdivision, Section 14 (Book 25, Page C-10) also being the North line of said Quarter <br />Section, 670.03 feet; thence South 89052'54" East along said North line, 335.00 feet to the point <br />of beginning. Containing 6.30 acres more or less. Subject to easement, covenants or restrictions <br />of record. <br />Huntington Corporation, 1520 North Main Street, Mishawaka, Indiana 46545, owner of the Real Estate, <br />(hereinafter "Owner"), for itself and its successors in title and assigns, waives and releases any and all right <br />which it may now or hereinafter have to remonstrate against or otherwise object to, interfere with, or <br />oppose any pending or future annexation of the Real Estate by the City of South Bend. <br />In further consideration and to induce the City of South Bend to allow the Owner to tap into the public <br />sanitary sewer of the City of South Bend, Owner, for itself and its successors and assigns, agrees hereby <br />to vest in the City of South Bend the permanent right, at the City's discretion, to annex the Real Estate <br />at any future time by duly authorized ordinance. <br />Owner further agrees that any deeds, contracts, or other instruments of conveyance made by Owner, its <br />successors or assigns shall contain the waiver and release provisions contained herein, which provisions <br />shall run with the land. <br />The delivery of any instrument of conveyance from the Owner to any successor, grantee, vendee or <br />contract purchaser is subject to the terms of this document and the acceptance of such instrument shall <br />constitute an acceptance of the foregoing provisions by said grantee, vendee, or contract purchaser and <br />their successors in title. <br />HUNTINGTON CORPORATION <br />`mac i 10�u 7 APPROVED <br />-120k AT/ BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS By: <br />Y <br />r 191993 Bruce D. Huntingto , President <br />9 . Johnso , Secretary/Treasurer <br />