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6ec-06-99 09:36A <br />P-04 <br />0011292 <br />'Hold Recorded copy for: Board of Public Works <br />CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND WAIVER OF RiGHT TO REMONSTRATE <br />In consideration for permission to tap into the public sanitar\ sewer s\stem andlor \\ater stisienr of t ie Cfferbf but i 1i ct .4 <br />Indiana. to pros'idc sanitary scwcr senicc and/or %Nater service to the following described property. ,hereinafter referred to as the <br />,-Real Eslatc')_ situated in St. Joseph County- Indiana: = <br />Hospitality Hub Minor Subdi\ision. Lot #1 Key No. 02-10:8-130K.01 <br />32925 SR 933 <br />South Bend Indiana <br />U-S. Lodging of Jacksonville. L P_ as evidenced by the signature of its general partner below. ot\ncr of the Real Estatc. <br />(Hereinafter "O vuef'). for itself and its successors in title and assigns, waives and rdmiscs am and all right which ilie% ma\. now <br />or hereafter Have to remonstrate against or othenvisc object to. interfere with, or oppose any pending or future annexation of the <br />Real Estate b\ the City of South Bend <br />In further consideration and to induce the City of South Bend to allow Owner to tap into the public sanitary seiner and/or hater of <br />5 ::'t'r ��: w. v .: �_ r :f ai:.s 15 Sticccssv.5 and assig':ls. arrCes hLxbn to %'cst In dic City of South Bcnd the <br />permanent right. at the City's discretion_ to annex the Real Estate at any future time b\ duh authorized ordinance. <br />Oitner further agrees that an\ deeds_ contracts_ or olhcr instruments of convevance made In 0%%ner. its successors or assigns si-oll <br />contain the waiver and release provisions contained herein. which provisions shall nut with the land. <br />The delivery of any instrument of convevancc from the O,vuer to any successor. grantee. vendee or contract purchaser Is subject to <br />the te�s of fts document and the acceptance of such instrument shall constitute an acceptance of the foregoing provisions bi said <br />ice_ endee or contract purchaser and their successors in title. <br />Ralph N dliams. General Partner <br />Before me. the undersigned a Notary Public in and for said State. personally appeared 0-t_'0r4 <br />and acknowledged Ilie execution of this Consent to Annexation and Waiver of Right to Remonstrate as his <br />voluntan act and deed <br />:coo <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this day oC \JPWuRt2V 1 `J <br />(written signature) <br />,SNRRor.r Z). J' 55o t ' <br />(Printed nanic) <br />A resident of County. Statc of Indiana. <br />My commission (spires: <br />STATE OF INDIANA ) <br />SS: <br />COUNTY ;O1F. 7 ) <br />7hix in+,rip/ tf xt Ire Nt.f�.ile i:nr�t1, asr.,lanl City _\uom), 1400 Couruy-Cin rknidinsg- South Rout. Indtana 46601 <br />' 1ti <br />vtritz <br />j/\�� <br />:ry' l <br />