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4. At the time to closing and after a submission of a <br />receipt for the total purchase price has been submitted by the <br />Controller to the Board of Public Works, the Board shall cause a <br />Quit -Claim deed to be prepared, which deed shall be signed by the <br />Mayor and attested to by the City Clerk with the Seal of the City <br />affixed, which shall then be recorded with the St. Joseph County <br />Recorder's Office. <br />5. That the City shall reserve a perpetual easement in, <br />upon, over and under said real property for the purpose of <br />installing, constructing, operating, patrolling, maintaining, <br />repairing, revising, renewing, removing and replacing a sewer <br />system, its pipes, lines and other facilities, together with the <br />right of ingress and egress over said real property adjoining <br />said easement when necessary to install, construct, operate, <br />patrol, maintain, repair, revise, renew, remove and replace said <br />sewer, p11>esr lines and other 7acilities and equipment incident <br />thereto. <br />6. That said easement and associated benefits and <br />obligations shall constitute covenants running with said real <br />estate, and shall be binding upon the said Buyer and be an <br />obligation thereof of every person or entity now or hereafter <br />having any fee, lease -hold or other interest in all or any part <br />of said real estate. <br />7. That said easement shall bind and inure to the benefit <br />of the respective successors and assigns of the parties thereto. <br />BUYER: CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />BY ITS BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS <br />rJ <br />i <br />andra L. P'fA116J i (_Yhn E. Les:zcynAY, President <br />Mes R`--2aldwell, - Member <br />Jenny Pit s Manier, Member <br />ATTEST: <br />dr- P-arm e� Clerk <br />Board of Public Works <br />Date: <br />c:\dccs\purpfa11.ab <br />