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LEGAL DESCRIPTION: <br />as shown on the recorded plat of Kunstman's Addition to the <br />Part of Lot Nwnbered Sixteen (16) described as follows: <br />City of South Bend, also known as Kunstnian's First Addition, <br />the intersection of the West lot <br />which is <br />Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Lot 16 ( 6. thence South along said East <br />line of Lot 16 and the <br />South right of way line ine of said of Oak Street); thence <br />1 East ast along the South right Of <br />way line of Oak Street, 51.25 feet to the East l <br />line of Lot 16, 30 feet, more or less, to the Northwest right of way l� 1e Inter -Belt, i80 feet, toile <br />Street); thence Southwest along said Northwest right of way line of t <br />of- L-ot 1 G: U�c.zcc Norh ulor.F� •sc.ic4 WcsQ linc o Lot 16. 100 feet. more or <br />or, &. Ss, to tic- wcst I;n4 <br />Iess, to t1le place of beginning. <br />Subject to covenants, restrictions and easements of record. <br />F,\DATA\SI-IARL\ENGIN EGR\W PDATA\legal2.-,vpd <br />DULY ENTERf-D FOR TAXATION <br />XSEPH F. NAGY, <br />`�°', AUDITOR <br />ST. JOSEPH CO. INDIANA <br />Prepared by Michelle L. Engel, Assistant City Attorney, 1400 County -City Building, South Bend, IN 46601. <br />