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N ei.ghborhood Housing Services of South Bend, Inc. <br />Ch-alf mt/Bissell/Sorin - Target Area Accom lishrnents to Date October 1, 1998 <br />In 1996, 1997, and 1999, Neighborhood Housing Services is focusing development efforts on a fourteen <br />block area near Perley Elementary School in an effort to totally transform the target area. In <br />addition we are working with property owners in the surrounding 14 block area to increase home <br />ownership to 70% and support home improvement projects. <br />In a two block area to date: <br />* 5 blighted homes have been torn down. <br />* 4 drug houses have been eliminated through increased police patrols and increased citizen participation <br />and purchases of homes by NHS. <br />*3 new homes have been constructed by NHS, and 2 of those has been sold for $56,000 <br />* 4 new homes have been constructed by Habitat for Humanity. <br />* 4 homes have been totally renovated by the NHS (1114, 1135, 1136, and 1226 Bissell Streets) <br />* 4 homes have been renovated by their private property owners (1133, 1225, 1229,1233, 1241 Bissell <br />St). Three have been completed with an NHS Home Improvement Loan. <br />* Two target area neighborhood clean up efforts (spring and fall 96) and Code enforcement attention has <br />improved the standard of upkeep on all properties. <br />* New curb and sidewalk have been installed along the length of the 1100 and 1200 blocks of Bissell <br />through the Community Development Block Grant Program, City of South Bend <br />Additional efforts are planned for the 14 block area in 1998: <br />* 1 additional total home renovation for sale to a first time home buyer at 1201 Bissell Street with <br />assistance from Valley American Bank. <br />* 1 additional new home by Habitat at 1202 Bissell Street. <br />And in the remaining 14 block area in 1998: <br />*7 additional homes renovated by NHS - 4 for first time home buyers in adjacent 14 block area; included <br />in this is the Notre Dame Alumni Family Work Camp project at 1310 Chalfant Street (3rd Annual <br />Family Work Camp). <br />*Construction of curbs, sidewalks where there are none with the repaving of 1400 block of Chalfant <br />Street through Community Development Block Grant Program, City of South Bend <br />Zn <br />Homes have been improved in the surrounding 14 block area in the last 3 years also: <br />* 1234 Chalfant St by the NHS and 1118 Chalfant by Housing Development Corp for first time home <br />buyers. <br />*1242 Chalfant, 1342 Chalfant, 1330 Chalfant, 1354 Chalfant have been substantially improved by their <br />owners in the last 3 years. <br />* l 337 Bissell and 1315 Bissell received major improvements by owners in last 3 years. <br />* 1241 Sorin, 1337 Sorin, and 1403 Sorin Street have been substantially improved by their owners in the <br />last 3 years <br />* 1201 Sorin, and 1227 Sorin are the site of new Habitat for Humanity Homes in 1993. <br />* 1322 Bissell, and 1326 Bissell have been substantially improved by the South Bend Housing Authority. <br />* 1997/1998 Habitat Notre Dame Student Chapter home construction at 1333 Sorin Street. <br />aprsum698.wpd <br />