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Part 1, Schedule B <br />Commitment No. <br />9904444 <br />I. The following are the requirements to be complied with: <br />I. Instruments necessary to create the estate or interest to be insured <br />must be properly executed, delivered and duly filed for record. <br />a. Properly executed and acknowledged Warranty Deed from James C. Russell, <br />Sr. and Patricia J. Russell, Husband and Wife to Lee E. Booker, Jr. and <br />Tonya Booker in Compliance with a land contract dated September 1, 1986 <br />and recorded March 27, 1997 as Document Number 9710881 in the Office of <br />the Recorder of St. Joseph County, Indiana. (Affects Parcel I) <br />b. Properly executed and acknowledged Warranty Deed from Tonya R. Booker and Lee E. Booker, Jr. to the proposed insured. (Affects Parcel I and <br />II) <br />C. Properly executed and acknowledged Warranty Deed from the City of South <br />Bend, Indiana/Board of Public Works to the proposed insured. (Affects <br />Parcel III) <br />2. Payment of delinquent taxes for prior years now totalling $3.48, which <br />includes interest and penalties_ (Affects Parcel II) <br />3. Payment of delinquent taxes for the spring installment of taxes for the year <br />1998, payable in 1999, in the amount of $24.98, unpaid. Penalty for the <br />delinquency in the amount of $2.50 has been added. Total installment and <br />penalty due at this time in the amount of $27.46. (Affects Parcel II) <br />