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iX:ram I <br />Department of Community and Economic Development <br />Division of Planning and Neighborhood Development <br />phone 235-9449 fax 235-9697 <br />To: <br />Tczom: <br />Subject: <br />Date: <br />- MEMORANDUM - <br />Angela I acob <br />Larry Magliozzi <br />Request to Purchase y-Owned Property <br />1039 LaSalle Ct.; Key # 18-1043-1854 <br />Revised Recommendation <br />June 19, 1995 <br />In a previous Memorandum to you dated June 6, 1995, the Department of C &" ED <br />had recommended denial of the above noted request. The recommendation was <br />based on information that the adjacent lot (18-1043-1853) was owned by the City, <br />and that splitting the two lots apart would compromise successful reuse of the <br />remaining lot. <br />Cheryl Moore, the resident requesting the purchase, informed me on June 19th that <br />she in fact is the owner of the research betweenjacent dLa not <br />the City. Portage Spradlin and me indicates that <br />Assessor records and further Larry <br />Cheryl Moore is in fact the property owner, and not the City. <br />Based on this evidence, I recommend the sale of the subject lot to Cheryl Moore. I <br />have conveyed this information to her, and am prepared to assist you in any way I <br />can to resolve this issue. My sincerest apologies for any. inconvenience that this has <br />caused. <br />lm/1otsI5 <br />