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FILE tl;51 <br />City of South Bend <br />Joseph E. Keman, Mayor <br />1865 <br />Department of Law <br />Richard A. NussbaLln), 11 <br />City Attorney <br />Ms. Cheryl Moore <br />305 LaPorte Avenue <br />South Bend, Indiana 46616 <br />Dear Ms. Moore: <br />Jenny Pitts Manier <br />Chief Assistant City Attorney <br />September 20, 1995 <br />Thank you for contacting me regarding your bid to purchase the property at 1039 LaSalle Court <br />for $10.00. Pursuant to our conversation, please accept this letter as the City's formal <br />counteroffer to sell this property for the sum of $115.00. As we discussed, the City paid $100.00 <br />for the appraisal of the property, and will have to pay recording costs of $15.00. For your <br />information the property appraised at $350.00 <br />If this counteroffer is acceptable to you, please sign the enclosed Purchase Agreement and return <br />it my attention along with a certified check or money order in the amount of $115.00. Upon <br />receipt of the signed Purchase Agreement and check, the Board of Public Works will execute the <br />agreement and provide you with a Quit-CIaim Deed to the property. <br />Please feel free to call if you have any questions. <br />Sincerely, <br />Anne Bruneel <br />Assistant City Attorney <br />/•\ <br />Enclosure <br />1400 County -City Building • South Bend, Indiana 46601 •219/235-9241 • TDD 219/235-5567 <br />Thomas L. Bodnar John E. Broden Anne E. Bruneel <br />Aladean M. DeRose Jeffrey M. Jankowski Robert C. Rosenfeld <br />