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City of South Bend <br />Joseph E. Kernan. Mayor <br />Board of Public Works <br />May 23, 1995 <br />Mr. and Mrs. Fernando Orozco <br />204 East Broadway <br />South Bend, Indiana 46618 <br />Dear Mr. & Mrs.Orozco: <br />The South Bend Board of Public Works has determined that the vacant lots at 206 East <br />Broadway and 210 East Broadway arcs not needed for any public purpose and that the cost to the <br />public of maintaining the lot equals or exceeds the estimated fair market value of the property. The <br />Board has also determined that the highest and best use of the lots are to sell to an abutting <br />landowner. <br />On May 15, 1995 the Board scheduled the opening of sealed bids for the sale of 206 East <br />Broadway and 210 East Broadway. No bids were received which equaled or exceeded the appraised <br />value of the property, which has been determined to be $450.00 and $650.00 respectively. <br />The Board is now obligated by statute to contact all landowners that abut the lots to see if <br />any are interested in negotiating for the purchase of these properties. Our records show that you <br />own property that abuts the lots in question. If you have any interest in purchasing the lots <br />described above, please contact me by letter or telephone on or before Friday, June 2, 1995. My <br />telephone number is 235-9251 and my mailing address is: Board of Public Works, County -City <br />Building, Room 1309, South Bend, Indiana, 46601. <br />If I do not hear from you by the date set out above, I will presume that you have no interest <br />in purchasing the property. <br />Sincerely, <br />Angela KAacob, Cletk <br />1308 County -City Building • South Bend, Indiana 46601.219/235-9412 • TDD (219) 235-5567 <br />John E. Leszczynski lames R. Caldwell Jenny Pitts Manier <br />