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1 <br />2002 2 18PV Q 300 P. 2 <br />ACCEPTANCE OF PERMANENT EASEMENT <br />This Acceptance of pelmanelit i✓asetnent is made this 22°d day of July, 2002, by the Civil <br />City of South Bend, Indiana (the "City"). <br />For good and valuation consideration, the sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, <br />the City agrees: <br />1. The City acknowledges that it leas been granted an easement to enter upon certain <br />property to access, maintain, and repair a storm sewer pipe located on the western and southern <br />property line of the Ruby Plaza Minor Subdivision ("Minor Subdivision"), which easement is <br />more particularly described in the Minor Subdivision recorded on November 28, 2001 as <br />Instrument No. 0159618 with the St. Joseph County Recorder's office (the "First Easement'). <br />2. The City acknowledges teat on Jay 15, 2002, Drive & Shine Development, Inc., <br />an Indiana. corporation, as owner of Lots 1 and 2 of the Minor Subdivision 8ranted the City a <br />second easement recorded as Instrument No. with the St. Joseph County <br />Recorder's office (the "Second Easement"), wldch easement more accurately describes the <br />location of the storm sewer pipe on Lot 1 of such Minor Subdivision and details the rights and <br />obligations of tb.e City to access, maintain and repair the stotm seAver pipe in certain easement <br />areas. <br />3. The City hereby agrees to accept all lights and obligations and to be bound by the <br />tcnn.s of the First Easement and Second Easement, including the responsibility and obligations to <br />access, maintain and repair the storm sewer pipe in certain easement areas located in the Minor <br />Subdivision. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Civil City of South Bend executes this Acceptance of <br />Permment Easement on the date first written above. <br />CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />Its: <br />00 • r T : 3Sd '339 <br />dHdaSof <br />AyKHQH-IS <br />axy7H13H 'r Igaal <br />W LP- T Z00Z-EZ_G@ <br />9PJSe,E7 <br />Al'VROVED <br />Board p( public Works <br />II � <br />