'Hold Recrnrdc,.1 cop% tor Board (11 P1,11 1.
<br />PPI,
<br />C't)NSE.N V TO ANNI'.XA I ION AN1)
<br />WAIVEROFR1(il1j IOREKMNtifR\rF
<br />In consideration for pci-im sign to tap into the public silllax-, w%\ cr tmd of 4larer i\'tililll of the cm of South
<br />Bend. Indiana. to provide sarntan sc+1 er service �snd or 1'. alrr tie) s Ice to the foll�_nlln_ drscnhed proper} - thtreul�liler
<br />relerred to as the "Real Lslate"1. >itllated nl St, Jo,epll Cuuntl. Indlrura
<br />DENNIS F &, Rt-)Y \\\ 11NOWIAk Kev +; 17-loW-t11()701
<br />5OO41 Ma\ Ilow1t I"L' I
<br />sou Ill -ND. IM)I \\ \ lof,P)
<br />DENNItiI &LRt-ItiI_ \N\J\\� \111K.Soutllf3cild-ind,:na 16r,lI)t1l�uerofthc1te.ilFstale.(hcremalle,"()Ilncr"1.
<br />for themselves and their suL�C-,I'I ul utlr 11" .I.u1 rti Jlld ant and :ill rl:ht Ikhieh tile) In.l� III)W or
<br />hercarter have to renwinstr is 1_'.Ilrr -I Ur c'tlwi \k tic 4i +%I l t lV II1tCrICI'C 11 itll..il' �-rpp,,s� atl�' 11c'ndln`w Or tlltlll'c :IItIIC'\zllhltl
<br />of the Real Estate by the Cio, 'I -,outh Bend
<br />In further conoderation and to InduI x the Cit`• i.+', ti,':1tII t',:,lil to .1110n+ (.)\l IlUr tr', tip lilt(' the pfA11)11C Sillll"Il� sever
<br />And/or water of the City of South Bend. (.)vvner. l-Or therm cl% L:', and their successor, > ,11d as, 1q,ns, agices hereby to vest
<br />in the City of South Bend the permani nt right• at the C1t_I's discretion. to annex the Real rstate at auy i1.tt,tre time h%
<br />duh ;ulthorIZCJ ordinance.
<br />Owner further agrees that anv deeds contracts. ur oilier nlstr unxnt, of conkc1 Coke ni,tde by 0%ner, th,_n iuccessoi
<br />„I ass)'ln, shall ,ptitain the walyer ,InJ t-ClerlSC prllvisilnl, conlanlcd hclCIII Much pn)l i,t;mi shall run \\ nh the I;tnd
<br />The deliver\ .Many instrument of conveyance from [hc (hlncr 10 AM suc,essor. _rantec. \viidCC Of-Co1)ITLIC1 pUrLhatier
<br />I-. >ubject to the terms of this document mid the ,ILCk:PLIncc of ,uLh Imtrument shall c0111tltule .111 acceplancc of the
<br />1 11�t',Oln pr�rVlslOny 17v said ."t7111c'c, 1°endee, Or COiltrAl pur�llaser and flitii sIICCC5S01-i In (1111•. try
<br />f L�
<br />DL,NN11S r. JANOWIAK c 3
<br />Beloie me. the undersigned, a Notary Public in aild fur card State, pers,:'nall\ al )Imired �(�YI it
<br />—A05L /3NN and a,knowled'a,ed the e\ecl.ltlun of 1h15 (onscnt t,.) rinne,nllr'n Md Wwwr of
<br />Right to R.mionstrate as his voluntary act and deed WN-NESS my hand ind Notarial Seat this O!)
<br />IV Day of jCA_
<br />ti7LCA,'Y ,.L,0- / ' r ' l-, GA_ ' Y r! yv � xli
<br />(Written SI411alure)
<br />( Printed)
<br />A resident of St. Joseph County, Indiana
<br />«�rrr'r�«rrrrr«ri�irr�.•«rrrr�rrrr�irrrrf�.v,
<br />Commission F-\pires
<br />I
<br />Dian. M. e1111ph,di
<br />h 1�)�
<br />Notary Publie, Stateof f n --.
<br />sm rE OF INDIANA )
<br />MyConlnussluln Fxp u(T'I VI•�
<br />?
<br />J SS.
<br />)
<br />This Instrument was prepared by Anne Bruncel. A,shtaiit City Attorney, 1400 C;lunty t 1n L3tlildln,. South Beni),
<br />Indiana 46601
<br />