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LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />EASEMENT FOR DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE <br />IN DeRUE CT. W,1/2 N,W.1/4 SECTION 12 T-37 R.2E. <br />Commencing at the south/east corner of a building on lot 43, South Bend(Original Town); thence <br />17.4 feet south along the east building line to the point of beginning; thence continuing south 18 <br />feet along the east building line; thence 8 feet, 90 degrees east; thence north 18 feet parallel to the <br />east building line; thence west 8 feet to the east building line to the point of begimung. <br />f-- <br />', <br />•r. � fir; :4 �r F � �� � �.,� <br />