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Form No. 8105-C / Rev. 11/96 <br />DISTRIBUTION EASEMENT <br />Overhead & Underground <br />SOUTH BEND LOCAL <br />Serial No. 24279 <br />WO No. Easement No. Map No. 5 7 5 <br />THIS INDENTURE, made this <br />by and between CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />whose address is <br />South Bend. Indiana <br />day of 19 <br />(hereinafter called the "Grantor") and MIANA MICHIGAN POWER COMPANY, an Indiana Corporation authorized to do busi- <br />ness in the State of Michigan whose post office address is P.O. Box 60, One Summit Square, Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46801, (here- <br />inafter called the "Grantee"). <br />WITNESSETH: That for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable considerations in hand paid, the receipt of which <br />Grantor hereby acknowledges, Grantor does hereby grant and convey to Grantee a right-of-way and easement for the construction, <br />operation, use, maintenance, repair, renewal, and removal of a line or lines of overbead and underground facilities and equipment <br />for the transmission of electrical energy, and for communication purposes including the right to permit attachments of others to said <br />facilities in, on, along, under, over, across, and through the following described Premises situated in Portage <br />Township, County of St. Joseph , State of Indiana, and being a part of Section 12 <br />Township 37 North , and Range 2 East to wit: <br />Being the same (or a part of the same) property conveyed to City of South Bend <br />by Blanch Mann survivor of Golden D. Mann by deed dated <br />July 1 19 61 , and recorded in Book 619, Page 15 <br />in the office of the Recorder of St. Joseph _ <br />County, Indiana, to which reference is made for fimber description. <br />Lot Numbered Ninety—two (92) in GARST'S FIRST ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND. <br />Said easement being the North fifteen (15) feet of the above described Lot Numbered <br />Ninety—two (92). <br />Tax Key No. 18-3042-1633, <br />