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<br />THIS INDENTURE made this � day of , 1998, by and betwee�rl� rt IRpnd
<br />Leslie S. King (Grantors) and the Civil City of South Bend, Indiana, by and through Ws BoJM of
<br />Public Works (Grantee), in favor of the Civil City of South Bend, its successors and assigns.
<br />That for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which
<br />Grantors hereby acknowledge, Grantors hereby grant, convey, and warrant to Grantee a permanent
<br />easement of the nature and at the location hereinafter set forth as described only for the installation,
<br />construction, operation, maintenance, adjustment, replacement, repair, alteration, removal,
<br />modernization, and use of a storm sewer system and related facilities, together with the right of
<br />ingress to and egress from said easement for the purpose of installing, constructing, operating,
<br />maintaining, adjusting, replacing, repairing, altering, removing, and modernizing said system and
<br />other equipment or facilities incident thereto, in, upon, over and under the following described real
<br />estate in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, briefly described as follows:
<br />The E.'h N.E. 1/4 sec 30 T. 37 N. R3E.
<br />Key # 23-1040-2200
<br />Commencing at the north/west corner of lot 4, replat of lots 1 thru 6, Meadow View 1st
<br />addition, City of South Bend, St. Joseph County, Indiana; thence, south 10 feet along the
<br />west property line of lot 4 to the center line of the easement also being the point of beginning;
<br />thence, south 5 feet along the west property line of lot 4 to the south/west corner of the
<br />easement; thence south/east 55 feet and parallel to the center line of easement to the east
<br />property line of lot 4; thence north 10 feet along the east property tine of lot 4; thence
<br />north/west a distance of approximately 54 feet and parallel to the center line of easement to
<br />the west property line of lot 4; thence south 5 feet along the west property line of lot 4 to the
<br />point of beginning.
<br />The easement granted herein shall pertain to the air surface and subsurface rights and interests
<br />of the Grantors, for the use and benefit of the Grantee, to the nature and extent that the Grantee may
<br />desire said air, surface and subsurface rights and interests to accomplish and carry out the general
<br />purpose of this conveyance as the same has hereinabove been expressed. The easement hereby
<br />granted is for the exclusive benefit of the City of South Bend, Indiana, and expressly includes the right
<br />and privilege at reasonable times to clean and remove from said easement such timber, brush, debris,
<br />or other obstructions interfering with the storm sewer system..
<br />The Grantee agrees that construction shall have limited impact on the surrounding area and
<br />agrees to restore that area disturbed by its work to as near the original condition as possible.
<br />The Grantee agrees to provide and maintain an erosion prevention system in and around Clyde
<br />Creek.
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