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Eas. No. Map No. <br />Exhibit A <br />That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, in Township 37 North, Range 2 East, Portage <br />Township, City of South Bend, St Joseph County, Indiana which is described as: Being a part of <br />Tract 3 of the plat of the "Studebaker Corporation Replat" as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 194 <br />in the Office of the Recorder of St. Joseph County. Commencing at the Southwest Corner of <br />said Tract 3; thence South 890 51' 08" East (S 89" 51' 46" E, D.R. 818, Pg. 522) along the South <br />line of said Tract 3 a distance of 950.34 feet for the Point of beginning of this description: thence <br />South 89' 51' 08" East (S 89' 51' 46" E, D.R. 818, Pg. 522) along the South line of said Tract 3 a <br />distance of 30.00 feet to the prolonged West line of a parcel conveyed to Indiana & Michigan <br />Electric Company as described in Deed Record 656, Page 131; thence North 0' 01' 38" West (N <br />0" 00' 43" W, D.R. 818, Pg. 522) along said West line prolonged and said West line a distance <br />Of 307.35 feet to the North line of a parcel conveyed to the City of South Bend as described in <br />Deed Record 818, Page 522; thence North 880 50' 58" West (N 88° 50' 40" W, D.R. 818, Pg. <br />522) along said North line a distance of 30.01 feet; thence South 0° 01' 38" East a distance of <br />30.7.87 feet to the point of beginning and containing 0.212 acres. <br />0. <br />SO475 ® v <br />•o <br />STATE <br />q/ 01 AN P ©�; r <br />Tax Key No. 18-3043-1654.05 <br />