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(4) City Building Commissioner; and <br />(5) A bus inessman -iR- the -Gen tr&I- DewRtown-UrbdR <br />Renewal- Area; person, appointed by the South <br />Bend - Dewntewn- Heuneil Redevel.opment_Coinmission. <br />(b) The Development Design Review Committee shall have the <br />following powers in all matters relative to the <br />erection or alteration of signs within the Central:- Downtown <br />UrbaR- Renewal -Area adopted Redevelopment Project Areas and <br />within one -half block beyond Lfie boundaries of such areas: <br />(1) Review applications for sign permits and, within <br />fifteen (15) working days of receipt of the <br />application;-either: <br />a. Return the application to the Building <br />Commissioner with a letter of approval <br />stating that the proposed sign is in <br />conformance with this art:i.cle, and auLho- <br /> the issuance of a sign permit; or <br />b. Deny the application, stating in writing <br />the reason fur. such denial. <br />Failure of the Development Dvsil,n ReVi.CW Commiitce, to <br />take such action shall constitute approval of the at,p1JC,%1 i011. <br />(2) Make recommendations relative to amendment, supple- <br />ment, change or repeal of this arti.cld, according <br />to the provisions of this article. <br />(3) Maintain a permanent record of all actions of the <br />Commi.t'tee. <br />SECTION V. That Section 21- 169(c)(5)c be amender] as follows: <br />c. The projection of projecting signs shall be limited as <br />follows: <br />MAXIMUM PROJECTION <br />Gen ra }- DowntotaR- Urban- ReRewHl Redevrlolnncnt Project Areas <br />With Mall Facing Streets Open Other <br />Lot- Frontage _ Facing to Vehicular. Traffic _ Loc _a Lions <br />Under <br />20' <br />0 <br />0 <br />513" <br />20' <br />to <br />34'11" <br />0 <br />3'3" <br />5'3" <br />35' <br />to <br />/L4'1.1" <br />4' <br />4'3" <br />6' 3" <br />45' <br />to <br />59'11" <br />5' <br />5'3" <br />7'3" <br />60' <br />and <br />over <br />6' <br />613" <br />d'3" <br />SECTION VI. That Section 21- 170(2) of the Municipal Code of the <br />City of Sou -tli -Bend, Indiana, be amended as follows: <br />(2) "A -2" Planned Residential Development District and "A -3" <br />Mixed Use Multi - Family Residential and Commercial District <br />(a) All signs permitted in the "A" Residence District. <br />(b) Identification signs for pei2m- 1 # #1ng permitted <br />commercial uses in a planned residential de- <br />velopment or mixed use multi - family residential <br />commercial district not exceeding one -half square <br />foot in display area per linear front foot of the <br />commercial uses and not visible from any public <br />street outside the development. <br />-2- <br />