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<br />In consideration of permission to tap into the public sanitary
<br />sewer system of the City of South Bend, Indiana, to provide sanitary
<br />sewer service to the following described property, situated in St.
<br />Joseph County, Indiana:
<br />Key No. 02-2013-0262
<br />A parcel of land in the Southwest Quarter of Section 17, Township
<br />38 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana,
<br />and described as follows:
<br />Commencing at the Northeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of
<br />said Section 17, also being the centerline of Auten Road; thence
<br />North 89052'19" West, 368.21 feet along the north line of the
<br />Southwest Quarter of said Section 17, also being the centerline
<br />of Auten Road to the point of beginning; thence South 00013'26"
<br />East, 356.03 feet; thence South 89055'16" East, 366.90 feet;
<br />thence South 00012'13" East, 778.81 feet; thence Southwesterly
<br />201.63 feet along a segment of a curve to the left having a
<br />radius of 518.53 feet, subtended by a chord having a bearing of
<br />South 78041'17" West, a distance of 200.36 feet; thence South
<br />67032'54" West, 76.88 feet; thence North 22027'06" West, 30.00
<br />feet; thence Northwesterly 29.84 feet along a curve to the
<br />right having a radius of 19.00 feet, subtended by a chord
<br />having a bearing of North 67°27'06" West, a distance of 26.87
<br />feet; thence Northwesterly 575.25 feet along a segment of a
<br />curve to the right having a radius of 1559.54 feet, subtended
<br />by a chord having a bearing of North 11053'04" West, a
<br />distance of 572.00 feet; thence South 88040'57" West, 40.00
<br />feet; thence Southeasterly 11.70 feet along a segment of a
<br />curve to the left having a radius of 1599.54 feet, subtended
<br />by a chord having a bearing of South 01031'24" East, a
<br />distance of 11.70 feet; thence North 89050'50" West, 47.37
<br />feet; thence North 00°13'26" West, 619.04 feet to the
<br />North line of the southwest quarter of said section 17, also
<br />being the centerline of Auten Road; thence South 89052'19"
<br />East, 140.00 feet to the point of beginning, and containing
<br />8.919 acres, more or less, and is subject to all road rights-
<br />of -way, easements, restrictions and or covenants of record.
<br />The above tract of land contains 19 Lots, numbered 1 through
<br />19, plus four outlots, Lettered A, B, C and D.
<br />Weiss Homes, Inc., owner of the Real Estate, (hereinafter "Owner"),
<br />for itself and its successors in title and assigns, waives and
<br />releases any and all right which it may now or hereafter have to
<br />remonstrate against or otherwise object to, interfere with, or oppose
<br />any pending or future annexation of the Real Estate by the City of
<br />South Bend.
<br />