9739727 _
<br />SANITARY SEWER ii ] SET 30 A 8: 13
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<br />THIS INDENTURE made this day of ;
<br />1997, by and between James H. Kidder and Barbara
<br />(hereinafter referred to as "Grantor"), and the Civil City of South
<br />Bend, Indiana (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee").
<br />tl '
<br />That for One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable
<br />consideration, the receipt of which Grantor hereby acknowledges,
<br />Grantor hereby grants, conveys, and warrants to Grantee a perpetual
<br />easement of the nature and at the location hereinafter set forth as
<br />described for the installation, construction, operation,
<br />maintenance, adjustment, replacement, repair, alteration, removal,
<br />modernization, and use of a sanitary sewer system and related
<br />facilities, together with the right of ingress to and egress from
<br />said easement for the purpose of installing, constructing,
<br />operating, maintaining, adjusting, replacing, repairing, altering,
<br />removing, and modernizing said system and other equipment or
<br />facilities incident thereto, in, upon, over and under the following
<br />described real estate in the City of South Bend, St. Joseph County,
<br />State of Indiana, briefly described as follows:
<br />Key Number:
<br />That part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter of
<br />Section 19, Township 38 North, Range 2 East, German
<br />Township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, which is described
<br />as: Beginning at a point on the West line of Olive Road
<br />which is S. 890-42'-20" W., 20.00 ft. From a point on the
<br />center line of Olive Road and East line of the West Half
<br />of the Southwest Quarter of Section 19 which is N. 000-
<br />17--40" W., 20.00 ft. from a P.K. Nail found marking the
<br />Southeast corner of the West Half of .the Southwest
<br />Quarter of Section 19; thence along the West line of
<br />Olive Road, N. 000-17'-40" W., 1906.28 ft.; thence N.
<br />070-08'-14" W., 503.59 ft.; thence N. 000-17140" W.,
<br />270.00 ft. to the South line of the East-West Indiana
<br />Toll Road; thence along said South line S. 890-42'-20"
<br />W., 20.00 ft.; thence S. 000-17140" E., 270.00 ft.;
<br />thence S. 070-08114" E., 503.59 ft.; thence S. 000-171-
<br />40" E., 1906.28 ft.; thence N. 890-42120" E., 20.00 ft.
<br />to the point of beginning. Containing 1.2288 acres.
<br />The easement granted herein shall pertain to the air surface,
<br />and subsurface rights and interests of the Grantor, for the use and
<br />benefit of the Grantee, to the nature and extent that the Grantee
<br />