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Resolution No. <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE SOUTH BEND REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION <br />APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF REAL PROPERTY <br />TO THE CITY OF SOUTH.BEND, INDIANA <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana, Department of <br />Redevelopment (Redevelopment) is the owner of the following <br />described real property situated in St. Joseph County, Indiana: <br />Parcel I: A lot or parcel of land in the Northwest <br />part of Bank Out Lot Numbered 71 of the First Plat of <br />Out Lots of the Town, now City of South Bend, in St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, platted by the State Bank of <br />Indiana, which part is bounded by a line running as <br />follows: Beginning on the East line of Chapin Street <br />which is the West line of said Bank Out Lot, at a point <br />16 rods and 21.92 feet or 285.92 feet North of the <br />Southwest corner of said Bank Out Lot Numbered 71, <br />which commencement point is at present Southwest corner <br />of a lot now owned by Michael Hazinski and Weronika <br />Hazinski; thence running South on the East line of <br />Chapin Street 38 feet; thence East 7 rods and 4 links; <br />thence North 38 feet; thence West 7 rods and 4 links to <br />the place of beginning. <br />Together with a strip of ground for an alley 9 feet <br />wide, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast <br />corner of the above described tract; thence South 52.42 <br />feet to a public alley running East and West through <br />said Bank Out Lot Numbered 71; thence West on the North <br />line of said alley 9 feet; thence North 52.42 feet to <br />the South line of the lot first above described; thence <br />East 9 feet to the place of beginning, as disclosed in <br />Deed Record 125, page 618. Key No. 18-3051-2002. <br />Commonly known as 308 South Chapin Street; <br />and <br />A part of Bank Out Lot Numbered Seventy-one of the <br />First Plat of Out lots of the Town, now City of South <br />Bend, platted by the State Bank of Indiana, described <br />as beginning at a point 52 feet South of the Northwest <br />corner of said Bank Out Lot Numbered 71, which point is <br />32 feet South of the Southeast corner of Chapin and <br />Napier Streets in said City of South Bend; thence East <br />on a line 32 feet South of and parallel to the South <br />line of said Napier Street, a distance of 118.14 feet; <br />thence South 57.1 feet; thence West 118.14 feet to the <br />east line of said Chapin Street; thence North on the <br />East line of said Chapin Street a distance of 57.1 feet <br />to the place of beginning. Key No. 18-3051-2001. <br />Commonly known as 306 South Chapin Street, <br />