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;SuT <br />,. i. <br />1865 <br />tj <br />City of South Bend <br />Joseph E Kernan, Mayor <br />hoard of Public Works <br />July 30, 1996 <br />Mr. and Mrs. Tommy James <br />217 East Dayton <br />South Bend, Indiana 46613 <br />RE: 215 East Dayton <br />Dear Mr. and Mrs. James: <br />The Board of Public Works, at its meeting of July 29, 1996, opened two (2) bids for the sale <br />of City -owned property at 215 East Dayton. <br />I am in receipt of a check for $150.00 from Lisa Sconiers, 3527 Addison, South Bend, <br />Indiana. I tried to contact Ms. Sconiers on July 29, but to no avail. I was given a phone number of <br />her employer to call, but it was not a business, and tried leaving a message at the number on her <br />check, but no one seemed willing to do that. I am trying to figure out the connection between the <br />person making a bid for this property, and your request to purchase this property. I have not been <br />able to contact you personally, as there is not a listing for you. <br />I would appreciate it if you could contact me at 235-9251, so we can discuss this matter. <br />Sincerely, <br />An. elgC Jacob, Clerk <br />1308 County -City Building • South Bend. Indiana 46601. 2191235-9412 • TDD (719) 235-5567 <br />John I:. Leszczynski James R. Caldwell Jenny Pitts Manier <br />