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T <br />City of South Bend <br />Joseph E. Kernan. Mayor <br />Board of Public Works <br />May 14, 1996 <br />Ms. Della Jenkins <br />745 North Cleveland Avenue <br />South Bend, Indiana 46628 <br />RE: Purchase of City -Owned Property <br />749 North Cleveland Avenue, Key No. 18-1080-3346 <br />Dear Ms. Jenkins: <br />This is to advise you that the Board of Public Works, at its meeting held May 13, 1996, <br />accepted your bid of $100.00 for the purchase of the above referred to City -owned property. <br />The City Attorney's office will prepare the appropriate Purchase Agreement for this <br />property and I will forward the Agreement to you foi your signature as soon as I receive it- After <br />the Board approves and signs the Purchase Agreement, I will send you a completely executed copy <br />for your files. <br />You may then submit a check to the Board, made payable to the City of South Bend, in the <br />amount of $1 I5,00 which is $100.00 for the property plus $5.00 to cover the fees required of the <br />Auditor's Office and the Recorder's Office for the recording of the Quit Claim Deed for this <br />property and $10-0o for the Quit Claim Deed the City Attorney's Office will prepare - <br />office. <br />If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact this <br />Sincerely, <br />CAngelaK.acob C <br />c: Anne Bruneel, Assistant City Attorney <br />1308 County -City Building • South Bend, Indiana 46601. 219/235-9412 • TDD (219) 235-5567 <br />John E. Leszczynski James R. Caldwell Jenny Pitts Manier <br />