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ORDINANCE NO. V1 Q Q _ $ <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2, ARTICLE 6 OF <br />THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, <br />ENTITLED TAX ABATEMENT PROCEDURES. <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br />The Common Council of the City of South Bend recognizes <br />the need to stimulate growth within its corporate limits. It fur- <br />ther recognizes that incentives to locating underutilized or bypassed <br />land is in the City's best interest. The tax abatement procedures <br />developed by the Council in compliance with Indiana Code 6 -1.1 -12.1 <br />require further clarification for effective utilization. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Common Council of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, as follows: <br />SECTION I. Chapter 2, Article 6 of the Municipal Code of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana, shall be amended as follows: <br />Sec. 2 -76. Tax Abatement Petition Required. <br />(a) The owner or owners of property which is located within <br />the City shall petition the Common Council for tax abatement conside- <br />ration by filing a the petition with the City Clerk iaeludiRg -the <br />€ellewiRg- iR €ermatiea- Nether with payment of a $50.00 fee to cover <br />administrative-costs. <br />(b) The petition shall be com leted in full <br />the following information for properties located wi <br />(1) the names or names and addresses of the property owners <br />and any other persons intending to lease or having an option to buy <br />such property; <br />(2) the legal description and commonly known address of the <br />property for which tax abatement is being petitioned; <br />(3) a map designating the area in question for consideration; <br />(4) the assessed value of the improvement before rehabilita- <br />tion or redevelopment; <br />(5) pictures of the area in question taken at least two (2) <br />weeks within the filing of the petition; <br />(6) a-statement-veri€ying- that -eR -the- area- in- gnestieR- eendi- <br />tieas- exist- wl�iek- eanaet- be- eerreeteri- by- regnlatery- sreeess, -er -by <br />tie- erdiaary- egeratieas -e €- private- eaterarise ;- Faitkettt- resertiag -te <br />tax- abateraeRt; -er a written estimate of the market value of the real <br />property improvements after rehabilitation or redevelopment; <br />(7) that- the - area- ia- grxestien- has - been- bypassed- er- zdnder- <br />xtil feed- due- te- eeeRemie- eireumstanees- whiek- Dave - deterred- Rermal <br />develepmeat; a statement describing how the public health and welfare <br />neritee b tnis articuiar rehabilitation or r <br />a statement escri ine the propose use: <br />(3) a- staterttent- deseribing -hew- the- pxblie- health- aad-wel €are <br />will- be- bene €ited -by- this -par tieu lar- rehabilitation- er- redevelepEteRt; <br />a statement indicating the number of new permanent jobs which will be <br />create y the pro,7ect; <br />(9) a statement verifying that no building permit has been <br />issued for construction on the property in connection with the improve <br />ment in question. <br />(c) For those ro erties located outside of those areas desig- <br />nated by the Common Council as Tax Abatement Impact Areas, the of ow- <br />ina additional information shall also be or in the petition: <br />