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Hold for: South Bend(Board of P.u)Pl_ic _W� s <br />Room 1308,'County-City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />CONSENT TO ANNEXATION AND <br />WAIVER OF RIGHT TO REMONSTRATE <br />In consideration for permission to connect to the public water main of the <br />City of South Bend, Indiana, to provide water service to the following described <br />property, (hereinafter referred to as the "Real Estate"), situated in St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana: <br />Key Nos. CDG 1 S ; v -t S <br />owner of the Real. Estate, (hereinafter "Owner"), for itself and its successors <br />in title and assigns, waives and releases any and all right which it may now or <br />f hereafter have to remonstrate against or otherwise object to, interfere with, <br />or oppose any pending or future annexation of the Real Estate by the City of <br />South Bend. <br />In further consideration and to induce the City of South Bend to allow <br />Owner to tap into the public water main of the City of South Bend, Owner, for <br />itself and its successors and assigns, agrees hereby to vest in the City of <br />South Bend the permanent right, at the City's discretion, to annex the Real <br />Estate at any future time by duly authorized ordinance. <br />Owner further agrees that any deeds, contracts, or other instruments of <br />conveyance made by Owner, its successors or assigns shall contain the waiver and <br />release provisions contained herein, which provisions shall run with the land. <br />The delivery of any instrument of conveyance from the Owner to any <br />successor, grantee, vendee or contract purchaser is subject to the terms of this <br />document and the acceptance of such instrument shall constitute an acceptance <br />of the foregoing provisions by said grantee, vendee, o-r—c- tract purchaser and <br />their successors in title. <br />APPROVED y <br />g <br />£ cryfil Board of Pub& Works B <br />I' <br />STATE OF INDIANA ) <br />COUNTY OF ST . JOSEPH ) <br />o r y• =J_1Z <br />V9 n /__.11 I � <br />c <br />Name: fo ,iL _Q-41 ('T1 . <br />�r3 C4 4" ru�4 e,�o <br />zgNkg a Notary <br />the state aforesaid, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT public in and for said county, in <br />personally known to me to be the same $A 4 �- <br />foregoing instrument, appeared before me rthiswdaSeinname is subscribed to the <br />that they/he/she executed the foregoing instrument asptheir/h their/his/her ersn and acknowledged <br />land <br />voluntary act and deed for the issues and purposes therein contained. <br />Given under my hand and official seal this the ��day of <br />199Q <br />QGARY PUBLIC <br />My Commission Expires: -BONNIE ZANKA <br />NOTAI,'Y PUBLIC STATE OF INDIANA <br />ST. JOSEPH COUNTY <br />MY COMMISSiON EXP. FEB. 6,1999 <br />This instrument was prepared by Anne Bruneel, Assistant City Attorney, 1400 County -city Building, South Bond, IN <br />C;\dots\Consent.frm <br />