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962.3682 li . ��h �: •�Ur;t.Ln r1 <br />F 1 L NG. <br />t <br />r- 196 <br />I y rE J r/� 5 <br />Payments by mail must be postmarked no later than the "delinquent after" date on the front of M4�1tdf a d diaed io the <br />St Joseph Count Treasurer, <br />P Y 5i.jos:FPFiCO. <br />227 W Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, IN 46601.1 B30 If receipt desired ... please send self-addressed st'brMpgdr�,*Alope. <br />Make all checks and money orders payable to "St. Joseph County Treasurer." FILFO FOR R F C O R Q <br />Return one copy when paying your taxes <br />The penalty for late payment of current tax is 10% per installment, plus 10% for any prior year's tax still due. <br />Failure to receive a tax statement by mail does not relieve the taxpayer of his responsibility for payment and penalties when delinquent. <br />Notify the County Auditor of any changes that would effect the status of exemptions you have filed for. <br />If you need mailing address correction, list below and return this copy with your payment <br />Signature <br />Address. <br />