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_ ,177 <br />�. <br />I <br />694, '7WARRANTY DEED <br />iprE �� ' 436 <br />c�Ili n�rrcturr Witttleoortly, That <br />Fannie L. Malcor, survivini widow of William E. Malcor, deceased, <br />Seth Drake and Eunice Drake, his wife, Gloyd Arnold and Florence <br />Arnold, his wife, Paul Black and Margaret Black, his wife <br />of Los Angeles County, in the State of California s <br />I � <br />Convev and Warrant to <br />-'A1eac ChMiel <br />of St. Joseph County, in the State of Indiana for and in consideration <br />�c <br />of------------------------------ one --------------------------- Dollars, <br />the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the following described heal Estate in <br />St. Joseph County in the State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />Beginning at a point 234 feet South and 695 feet East of the North- < <br />west corner of the Northeast Quarter (*) of Section 29, Township 37 <br />North, Range two (2) East, from thence funning South parallel with <br />the East line of the Mayflower Road 284 feet, thence East parallel <br />with the North line of said Section 149 feet; thence North 284 feet;to <br />.'point 149 feet East of the placd of beginning; thence East to the <br />place of beginning, being Lot No. Eighteen (18) in an unrecorded plat <br />of Dollar Lake First Sub -division in Greene Township. ? <br />Subject to taxes for 1944, payable in 1945 and to the following s <br />restrictions: <br />1. That they will maintain a lawn space of not less than fifty (50) <br />feet in width and fifty (50) feet deep from the front line of said lot <br />and that they will not erect any building thereon closer than three <br />(3) feet from either side lot line. <br />2. That no garage house or other building for residence purposes that) <br />shall cost less than One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) shall <br />be constructed closer than One Hundred Fifty (150) feet from the frontfi <br />lot line of any lot. <br />3. That there shall not bd placed or constructed upon any lot any <br />building to be used as a dwelling whether temporary or permanent unless <br />such building shall be constructed of wood, brick, stone or concrete <br />and have a roof of other design than a flat or shed roof and- painted <br />with at least two (2) coats of paint within ninety (90) days after <br />said building is occupied as a dwelling. <br />-� 4. No lot or lots shall be excavated for the sale of gravel or used <br />as a junk yard or for automobile wrecking, nor shall any building <br />erected thereon be used as a road -house, public dance hall or for the <br />sale of intoxicating liquor. <br />5. That no hart of said premises shall either be conveyed or leased <br />to or occupied by persons of other than the white or Caucasian race. <br />I <br />i <br />r - <br />f <br />In Witness Whereof, The said Fannie L. Malcor, Seth Drake, Eunice <br />Drake, Gloyd Arnold, Florence Arnold, Paul Black and Margaret Black <br />by their Attorney in fact Lewis W. Hammond <br />ha vehereu to set their hands and seals , this 2nd day of May 19 44 <br />-�___ _ ___.,._ -._(Seal.) <br />!Lw►�.-�-c, _ _ CY`, - • - - - - - _ . - - - (Seal.) _ � ��s-c�K/ _ _ _ <br />Fannie L. Malcor Gyoyd Arnold <br />(Seal.) __ ___.__(Seal.) <br />�'�- -_� (seal.) --Florence Arnold al('! - eels <br />Se Dra a Eunice 17rak -- <br />y�-- --(Seal.)t/"_� .- - - "-- - - --( sal.) <br />Paul Black Maf�gaPet Black Lewis V, 9ammond, Attorney i fact <br />�L l�L fl ytyt j�,�y"'%���[xrrirn'7 ru7iulr�i`i(r\iriSi07rrtirhlriryV innr r)��11j,(1'(j[1ui)ltC.1L1!}i4V(�i7!_1�1111[�]L�7�1111L1�SL[L111(]�� �1t�[�[-.l��IL� <br />