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�t;34cor. <br />4728 4 <br />rengage (" Securil Instrument" Is welt on D U L Y 2 311 D 1993 <br />LARRY 0VERIIOLSER AIID) BREHDA S. OVERHOLSER, HUSBAND AIID WIFE The mortgagor is <br />United <br />Security Instrument Is given to Standard Federal Bank, a Federal Savings Bank, which Is organlrnri and exlslipg under the laws(Boofthe <br />United State or America anwhose address is 2600 West Big Deaver Road, Troy, Michigan 48084 ("Lender"), Borrower owes Lender the <br />principal sum of -- - - - - -.FIFTY FOUR THOUSAND SEVEII flUIIDRED FIFTY - <br />which Provides - , ayn . 0 0) Ill's debt is evidenced by Borrower's note dated the same dale as [Iris Security Instrument ("Note"), <br />provides for monthly payments, ents, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable an AUGUST 1 , 2023 <br />s Serurily <br />inlerest, and all renewals, extensions and modificallonsrof the Note; (b) tres to herPaymlent of at otherrepayment osunl s,with ebt nlerest�advancedby the ounderlltr <br />paragraplr 7 to project Ilte security of this Security Instrument; and (c) the performance of Borrower's covenants and agreements under Hris <br />Security Instrument and the Nola. For tlrls purpose, Borrower does hereby mortgage. grant and convey to Lender the following described <br />property located In THE CITY OF SOUTII BEtlb ST JOSEPfI <br />County, Indiana: <br />A TRACT OF LAIID SOUDDED BY A LLNE RUNNING AS FOLLOWS.. BEG.IHNflIG AT A <br />POINT IN THE NORTHERLY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY NIRIBER 23 (ALSO KNOWN AS <br />LIBERTY HIGHWAY) , WHICH POINT IS 834.2 FEET 11ORTHEAST OF THE POIII'1' WHERE THE NORTIIERLY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY IIITERSECpS THE WEST LINE OF <br />THE 1lORTIIEAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 29, 11OWI1SIl1P <br />37 110RI'll, RAIfGE 2 EAST I FROM THENCE R11UNING NORTHEAST ALOIIG T11E <br />NORTHERLY LINE OF SAID HIGHWAY 122 FEET I THENCE NORTHWEST AT 1ll(;III' <br />ANGLES. TO SAID NORTHERLY LINE 300 FEET; TIfEIICE SOUVIIWEST PARALLEL <br />WITH SAID NORTHERLY LIIIE 118 FEET TO THE EAST LIIIE OF FORTY FOOT ROAD; <br />THENCE SOUTHEAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID ROAD 1'0 1,11E PLACE OF <br />BEGI II11 CNG , BEIIIG LOPS NUMBERED TWENTY-F011it (24) AND TWEIITY-F.IVE (25 ) <br />III AN U14RECORDED PLAT OF DOLLAR LAKE GARDENS, A SUBDIVISION III GREEIIE <br />TOWIISIII'P, ST. JOSEPH COUNTY, 19DIANA---------_ <br />SIDWELL NUMBER: 051035044906 <br />;h has Ilie address of <br />46b14 <br />(Zip code) <br />59460 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD <br />(5lreel) <br />("Property Address"); <br />ir_l. _ <br />YI q, <br />1 <br />ca <br />•' <br />r <br />1 ry <br />we <br />11 <br />SOUTH I311IID <br />(Clh'1 <br />filer with all the improvements now or hereafter erecled on the property, and all aasrrrnents, appurlenancos and lixlores now or <br />•��� w •••," tiao., i; Gity iiiau viil l;tii."BS ❑10•-, „..•• ••"�••"`.••`. —.— -1— "^ oov ] by 11", socurlty rnslruMerlr. All <br />"Property.'• or 11,0 Iaregohrg is <br />mower Covenants Il►af Borrower is lawfully seized of the estate hereby conveyed and has ItTe rfghl to mor <br />openly and Thal the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances or record. Borrower warrants <br />the Properly against ail claims and demands, subject to any encumbrances of record. Ig`age' grant and convey the <br />s Security Instrument combines uniform covenants for national use and non- and will defend generally Ure I'lle <br />slitule a uniform security Instrument covering real property. <br />uniform covenants with Ilmi[ed variations by Jurisdiction to <br />'form Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />9aYrnenl of Principal and Inleresl; Prepayment and Late Charges. <br />lie debt evidenced by [he Note and an 9 Borrower shall prom tl <br />ands for Taxes and Insurance, Subjecttoapplicable wlaoo I Itarges due under file Nolep y pay when due Ilte prlllclpal Of and Inleresl <br />lhly payments are due under [he Nola, urltll [he Note is o a wralsu waiver b <br />t priority over ill's Security Instrument as a Tien on the paid <br />tali, a cunt F y Lender Borrower shalt a <br />cariy hazard or property Insurance prernlums; (d) yearly flood Insuran ( ands") for: a pay <br />to Lender on the day <br />Y; (b) yearly feasehold yearly faxes and assessments wlticlt may <br />paymerls or ground rents on the Properly, it an ' <br />ce prernfums, If any; (e) yearly mortgage Insurance premfu <br />•NA—S"Ve ramrry—rannle Mae/Fraddle Mac UNIFORM IHSTnUMEI Y <br />ms, <br />IT <br />