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EXHIBIT "A" <br />PARCEL I: A lot or parcel of land beginning at a point in the West <br />line of the Mayflower Road 1779 feet South and 40 feet West of the <br />Northeast corner of the East Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section <br />29, Township 37 North, Range 2 East, from thence running West along <br />the South line of land heretofore conveyed to Lee A. Naragon and wife <br />as shown by Deed Record 200 on page 435, 290 feet; thence South <br />parallel with the West line of the Mayflower Road 64.66 feet; thence <br />East in a straight line 290 feet to a point in the West line of <br />Mayflower Road 64.66 feet South of the place of beginning, thence <br />North along said West line to the place of beginning, being Lot <br />Numbered Eleven (11) in an unrecorded Plat of Dollar Lake Gardens, a <br />Subdivision in Greene Township. <br />PARCEL II: Beginning at a point in the West line of the Mayflower <br />Road, which point is 40 feet West and 1843.66 feet South of the <br />Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 37 <br />North, Range 2 East, from thence running West, parallel with the North <br />line of said Section, 290 feet; thence South parallel with the West <br />line of Mayflower Road 64.66 feet; thence East 290 feet to a point in <br />the West line of said road, 64.66 feet South of the place of <br />beginning; thence North along the West line of said road to the place <br />of beginning, being Lot Numbered Twelve (12) as shown on the <br />unrecorded Plat of Dollar Lake Gardens, a Subdivision in Greene <br />Township. <br />Subject to legal highways. <br />