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#1779- Deed; GRANT OF EASEMENT Sanitary Sewer
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Board of Works Documents
Historical Deeds (Warranty/Quit-Claim/Dedications)
#1779- Deed; GRANT OF EASEMENT Sanitary Sewer
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Last modified
2/4/2025 11:02:47 AM
Creation date
2/4/2025 11:02:25 AM
Board of Public Works
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of Lot 1 of Edcoat Minor Subdivision, thence North <br />00041'40" East, 30.00 feet along the West Line of Lot 1 <br />of Edcoat Minor Subdivision to the Point of Beginning, <br />and containing 1.7383 acres more or less. <br />The easement granted herein shall pertain to the air surface, <br />and subsurface rights and interests of the Grantor, for the use and <br />benefit of the Grantee, to the nature and extent that the Grantee <br />may desire said air, surface and subsurface rights and interests to <br />accomplish and carry out the general purpose of this conveyance as <br />the same has hereinabove been expressed. The easement hereby <br />granted is for the benefit of the City of South Bend, Indiana, and <br />expressly includes the right and privilege at reasonable times to <br />clean and remove from said easement such timber, brush, debris, or <br />other obstructions interfering with the sanitary sewer system. <br />The Grantee shall restore that area disturbed by its works to <br />as ear -the original condition as possible. <br />A"54 R <br />The Grantor reserves the right to use and occupy the surface <br />area on and over the easement provided that said use and occupancy <br />does not in any way conflict or obstruct the Grantee's right to use <br />said surface for the purposes and intentions hereinabove expressed. <br />The easement granted herein and its associated benefits and <br />obligation, shall constitute covenants running with the real <br />estate, and shall be binding upon the Grantor and be an obligation <br />thereof of every person or entity now or hereafter having any fee, <br />leasehold, or other interest in all or any part of the said real <br />estate. <br />This indenture shall bind and inure to the benefit of the <br />respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto. <br />The Grantor hereby covenants with the City of South Bend that <br />is lawfully seized and possessed of the parcel of real estate <br />1-12='C--:L OVe Cie SC l"lbed; tIlar- it t2 as a good urx<K J— ew�u1 . -Cunc co <br />convey and that it is free of all encumbrances that would conflict <br />with the right herein granted; provided that the City of South Bend <br />acknowledges that the prior owners of the parcel of real estate <br />have granted to Indiana & Michigan Power Company (now known as and <br />referred to herein as "AEP") certain easements over that portion of <br />the parcel which fronts on Edison Road and Snowberry Road for <br />distribution lines, along with an easement across a portion of the <br />property near the corner of Snowberry and Edison Roads for power <br />distribution lines, which easements are currently in force and in <br />effect and are recorded in the 0 fice of the Recorder,,o�. Sti:. Jos < <br />�GJ. �117 /`iYS` Qio uK 33� P��r £.cc Iq�� <br />County as Document No. cj S-a � b ES <br />r'=P— and provided fu ther that Grantor has <br />t 6U-- -7, 11u 1E3oo(�S 1S �FjG� �£�� <br />�0 2 <br />
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