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portion of Grantor's property described in Subparagraph 3 hereinabove, i.e. that <br />of the Servient Tenement constituting the easement area. portion <br />EXCLUSIVENESS OF EASEMENT <br />5. The easement, rights, and privileges granted herein are nonexclusive and <br />Grantor reserves and retains the right to convey similar easements and rights to such <br />other persons as Grantor may deem proper; however, Grantor shall not grant any <br />easement or other interest which in any way disturbs or interrupts the rights granted <br />herein to Grantee. <br />MAINTENANCE <br />6. Grantor shall maintain the paved surfaces located on Grantor's property <br />that are the subject of this easement in good repair and keep the same clean of snow, <br />debris and obstacles. <br />EXTENT OF EASEMENT <br />7. It is expressly agreed and understood that the easement rights and <br />privileges herein conveyed to Grantee are Iimited to pedestrian and vehicular traffic. <br />GRANTOR'S RIGHTS <br />8. Grantor also retains, reserves, and shall continue to enjoy the use of the <br />surface of such property for any and all purposes which do not interfere with or prevent <br />the use by Grantee of the within easement, including the right to use the surface of the <br />herein granted easement for private access to and from any and all of Grantor's ro er . <br />P P ry <br />9. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the parties relating <br />to the rights herein granted and the obligations herein assumed. An <br />y oral <br />representations or modifications concerning this instrument shall be of no force and <br />9 <br />