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\PA <br />CLOSING STATEMENT <br />SELLERS: RICHARD N. SHOUPE and LOIS E. SHOUPE, husband and wife <br />PURCHASERS: NOEL H. YARGER and RUTH A. YARGER, husband and rife <br />REAL ESTATE SOLD: <br />Part of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast <br />Quarter (1/4) of Section 32, Township 38 <br />North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana, described as follows: <br />Beginning at a point 1012.42 feet South and <br />360 feet East of the Northwest corner of the <br />East Half (1/2) of the Northeast Quarter <br />(1/4) of Section 32, Township 38 North, Range <br />3 East;thence South 83053' East 150 feet; <br />thence South 290 feet parallel to the West <br />line of the said East Half (1/2) of the <br />Northeast Quarter (1/4) to the South line <br />of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) of the North- <br />east Quarter (1/4); thence 'nest 150 feet <br />along said South line of the Northeast <br />Quarter (1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (1/4) <br />to a point 360 feet East of the West line <br />of the East Half (1/2) of the Northeast <br />Quarter (1/4), thence North 309 feet to <br />place of beginning. <br />C'x <br />/��%/ <br />