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G. If requested by the Owner, the Engineer will <br />furnish copies of Certificates of Insurance <br />evidencing coverages as stated above issued by <br />an insurance company authorized to do business <br />under the laws of the State of Indiana. Fur- <br />ther, no cancellation, or modification of the <br />policy or policies described above shall occur <br />without at least fifteen (15) days prior written <br />notice given to the Owner. <br />IX. INDEMNITY <br />The Engineer will indemnify, keep and save harmless <br />the Owner, its agents, officials and employees, <br />against all suits or claims that may be based on <br />any injury to persons or property that is the result <br />of an error, omission or negligent act of the Engineer <br />or any person employed by the Engineer. <br />X. CHANGES AND AMENDMENTS <br />The Owner may, from time to time, request changes in <br />the scope of services of the Engineer to be performed <br />hereunder. Such changes, including any increase or <br />decrease in the amount of the Engineer's compensation, <br />which are mutually agreed upon by and between the <br />Owner and the Engineer, shall be incorporated in writ- <br />ten amendments to this Contract. Such amendments <br />shall not be effective until approved by the Board of <br />Water Works Commissioners, and by the Engineer. <br />XI. DELAYS AND EXTENSIONS <br />The Engineer agrees that no charges or claims for <br />damages shall be made by him for any delays or hin- <br />drances from any cause whatsoever during the process <br />of any portion of the services specified in this <br />Contract. Such delays or hindrances, if any, shall <br />be compensated for by an extension of time for such <br />reasonable period as may be mutually agreed upon <br />between the parties, it being understood, however, <br />that the permitting of the Engineer to proceed to <br />complete their services or any part of them after <br />the date to which the time of completion may have <br />been extended, shall in no way operate as a waiver <br />on the part of the Owner of any of its rights herein. <br />7 <br />