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ORDINANCE NO. 700 1-o/ <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING $18,000.00 TO ACCOUNT 260, <br />CONTRACTUAL SERVICES, WITHIN THE BUREAU OF WATER BUDGET <br />OF THE WATER WORKS GENERAL FUND FOR THE DESIGN OF AD- <br />DITIONAL WATER STORAGE AT THE EDISON PLANT AND APPROVING <br />THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT FOR SAID DESIGN BETWEEN THE <br />BOARD OF WATER WORKS COMMISSIONERS AND MCDONOUGH ENGINEER- <br />ING, INC. <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT: <br />Monies are now needed to fund the award of a contract to <br />McDonough Engineering, Inc., for the design of additional water <br />storage at the Edison Plant. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF <br />THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />SECTION I. That the contract between the Board of Water <br />Works Commissioners and McDonough Engineering, Inc., to design <br />additional water storage at the Edison Plant is hereby approved. <br />SECTION II. The sum of $18,000.00 is hereby appropriated <br />to Account 260, Contractual Services, within the Bureau of Water <br />Budget of the Water Works General Fund to engage the services of <br />McDonough Engineering, Inc., 120 W. LaSalle Street, South Bend, <br />Indiana. <br />SECTION III. <br />effect from and after <br />proval by the Mayor. <br />1st READING I i —� — b <br />PUBLIC HEARING \ \ —a 3— 2, <br />2nd READING \ _� 3 <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />PASSED It- a3_8'I <br />This ordinance shall be in full force and <br />its passage by the Common Council and ap- <br />Member of the Common Council <br />FIFA M I.ERK'K OFIXE <br />NOV 4 1981 <br />Irene Gammon <br />CRY CLERK, SDUIN BEND. IND. <br />