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and /or the Historic Preservation District, <br />generally; <br />2. The detriment to the public welfare if the <br />proposed construction, reconstruction, altera- <br />tion, demolition or moving is permitted even <br />though it is not deemed appropriate; and <br />3• The potential hardship that the denial of a <br />certificate of appropriateness would cause the <br />applicant. <br />(6) Reserved. <br />(7) The Historic Preservation Commission may petition <br />the Building Commissioner to use the legal means available to him to <br />cause the maintenance and /or repair of any historic landmark in accor- <br />dance with the intent of Ordinance -No -- 5565 -i3 this Article. <br />(8) Within each of the Historic Preservation Districts <br />established in accordance with the provisions of this article, the <br />Historic Preservation Commission shall establish Neighborhood De- <br />velopment Committees to advise the Historic Preservation Commission <br />in matters relative to the district which the Committee represents. <br />D. Section 21- 117.2(f) shall be amended to read as follows: <br />(f) Establish reasonable and just standards for the preser- <br />vation of Historic Landmarks and Historic Preservation Districts, <br />including architectural treatment, site development requirements, <br />and provisions concerning construction, reconstruction, alteration, <br />demolition or removal of any building or structure, or parts thereof. <br />Provided however, that no- standards- shai } -be- adopted- that- are - not -in <br />keeping -with- the - intent- and- parpase -e €- this - art }e }e; - and- saeh -stan- <br />dards- sha } } -be- app} ieab }e- on }q- te- exterier- €eatares. <br />(1) The Historic Preservation Commission may adopt only <br />those standards necessary to prevent such construc- <br />tion. reconstruction. alteration. demolition. or <br />ntent of this article: an <br />(2) Such standards shall be applicable only to the exterior <br />features of Historic Landmarks and of buildings or <br />structures within Historic Preservation Districts. <br />E. Section 21 -117.2 shall be amended by the deletion in its entirety <br />of existing sub - section (j) and by the addition thereto of the following <br />new sub - sections (j) and (k): <br />(j) Accept through gift, grant, legacy, bequest, or endowment, <br />monies and preservation easements in real property for the purpose of the <br />preservation of Historic Landmarks and Historic Preservation Districts. <br />Expenditures of such money, regardless of the source, must be deposited <br />in a special Historic Preservation Commission account, and receive prior <br />approval from the Common Council before expenditures may be made. <br />(k) The provisions of this Article shall be enforced as pro- <br />vided by Article 9 of this Chapter. <br />SECTION ll: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its <br />passage by the Common Council, approval by the Mayor, and legal publication. <br />Passed, as amended, October 11, 1982 <br />Member of the Common Council <br />-3- <br />