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OFFICE OF THE MAYOR <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />Members of the Common Council -2- August 18, 1982 <br />of sources. It has been only within the last two years that we have <br />moved toward a clearer identification of those costs; yet for many <br />years the total salary of a number of City employees was not reflected <br />in the salary ordinance due to multiple funding of their positions. <br />I am pleased that we are moving toward a clearer identification <br />of the overall funding and payment picture of both personnel and other <br />City costs. In fact, I plan to initiate a study of alternatives to <br />the fragmented funding by which we now budget. <br />To place the increases received by the two individuals concerned <br />in these ordinances in the above context of the traditional handling <br />of such situations clarifies why I failed to approach the Council <br />earlier to authorize the increases they deserve. The current approach <br />is, of course, the correct one and the one I shall follow in the future. <br />As you are aware, these increased amounts have been paid to these <br />persons for several months, the City Attorney since January, 1982, and <br />the City Engineer since April, 1982. I believe at the time I authorized <br />these increases, as I still believe, that the additional responsibilities <br />assumed by these persons, whether due to change in state law, as in the <br />case of the City Attorney, or by specific additional project duties, as <br />in the case of the City Engineer, clearly warranted additional compensa- <br />tion be paid to them from the particular funds of those functions. Upon <br />considering the circumstances within which I acted earlier and within <br />which I now bring the ordinances before you, I request your favorable <br />consideration of these ordinances. <br />Sincer.1-y, <br />i <br />j <br />Rog 0. arent <br />ROP:pdc <br />