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CITY of SOUTH BEND <br />ROGER O. PARENT, Mayor O <br />COUNTY -CITY BUILDING • SOUTH BEND, INDIANA 48801 ~ <br />DIVISION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />Cotteen Rosenbetd M E M O R A N D U M <br />Dbtectm ---- - - - - -- <br />1440 County -City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 48801 <br />(219(284.9335 <br />TO: MEMBERS OF THE COMMON COUNCIL <br />FROM: COLLEEN ROSENFELD, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR <br />SUBJECT: ORDINANCE TO APPROPRIATE $16,593 FROM 1981 CDBG <br />UNSPECIFIED LOCAL OPTION FUNDS TO CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU <br />DATE: OCTOBER 20, 1981 <br />Attached for your consideration is an ordinance which would <br />appropriate $16,593 from 1981 CDBG Unspecified Local Option funds <br />to the City of South Bend Youth Services Bureau. This funding would <br />provide a Neighborhood Youth Involvement Activity through a neighborhood <br />association in a strategy area. The project would include working <br />with the neighborhood association to determine those adults available and <br />willing to participate as volunteer supervisors, recruiting and training <br />youth group members, aiding youth and supervisors in setting of neighborhood <br />priorities, aiding in initiating and implementing projects aimed at established <br />priorities, and evaluation of the program. This project is targeted to <br />delinquency prevention efforts in utilizing a neighborhood as a center of <br />activity. <br />The CDBG Unspecified Local Option funds would be used to support <br />a counselor II position, fringe, mileage, project supplies, printing <br />expenses, and office supplies. The 1981 Unspecified Local Option account <br />is currently at a level of $124,787. <br />I request your favorable consideration of this ordinance. Please <br />contact me at 284 -9335 if you should have any questions. <br />CR /ed <br />Attachment <br />cc: Mayor Roger 0. Parent <br />CD Fiscal Officer <br />Bonnie C. Strycker <br />