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DIVISION 9. ADMINISTRATION. <br />Section 21 -161. Recommendations for Modifications or Amendments. <br />The Commission, in accordance with statutes adopted by the Indiana <br />General Assembly, may from time to time recommend to the Council <br />revisions, modifications or amendments to this Article. <br />Section 21 -162. Variances. <br />(a) When the subdivider can show that a provision of these <br />regulations, if strictly adhered to, would cause unnecessary <br />hardship; and, when in the opinion of the Commission, because of <br />topographical or other conditions peculiar to the site, a <br />departure may be made without destroying the intent of such <br />provision, the Commission may authorize a variance or <br />modification. The subdivider shall apply in writing for such <br />variance or modification of the requirement complained of. Such <br />application shall be duly considered by the Commission at the next <br />regularly scheduled monthly meeting. <br />(b) Unusual and imaginative developments are welcomed and may be <br />approved if they measure up to the spirit and intent of this <br />Article even though they deviate from some of the particulars. <br />Section 21 -163. Approval Required. <br />No subdivision shall be entitled to recording in the office of the <br />County Recorder or have any validity until it shall have been approved <br />in the manner prescribed in this Article. <br />24 <br />